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if the token is not found, it should not have exit code 0 #26

Closed jonathanong closed 8 years ago

jonathanong commented 8 years ago

right now, it has an exit code of 0, so my tests do not fail. this might be intentional, but i prefer if it failed (at least if the server isn't down)

  _____          _  
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==> Detecting CI Provider
    Circle CI Detected
==> Configuration: 
{ service: 'circleci',
  build: '145.0',
  job: '145.0',
  commit: '65dee33673219254c83ad6720f0b32a0f7845865',
  branch: 'codecov',
  pr: undefined,
  slug: 'jonathanong/server',
  package: 'node-v1.0.1' }
==> Building file structure
==> Generating gcov reports (skip via --disable=gcov)
    $ find . -type f -name '*.gcno'  -exec gcov  {} +
==> Scanning for reports
    + ./coverage/
==> Uploading reports
    HTTP 400
Please provide the repository token to upload reports via `-t :repository-token`
stevepeak commented 8 years ago

Hey @jonathanong thank you for the feedback. I'll add this in the next hack :+1:

stevepeak commented 8 years ago

PS the project is actually: