caipengbo / LeetCode

Algorithms Exercise: LeetCode Problems, LeetCode Weekly Contest etc.
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Binary Search #12

Open caipengbo opened 5 years ago

caipengbo commented 5 years ago

以前的相关题目记录: Weekly Contest : 剑指offer:

caipengbo commented 5 years ago


image 思想:有序(数组有序、范围的潜在有序)、找边界(临界点)、(尝) 试每次取到的mid(g函数的设计)

区间左闭右 [start, end ) 开模板

int start = 0, end = length - 1; 
while(start < end) {
        mid = start + (end - start) / 2;
        if g(mid)  
            end = mid ;  // 左侧
            start = mid + 1;  // 右侧
return start;  // or how to use upper bound (start) 
  • 首先明确我们是对索引进行二分还是对值进行二分(有时忘记是索引,导致马虎出现bug)
  • 注意初始位置(startend), end = length-1end = length 结果是一样的(???n=2的时候剑指offer P3.2题),用作数组下标的时候最好使用 end = length-1
  • g( ) 函数:最终返回的是,第一个满足g(m) == true的元素下标m(注意end = mid 在前面时)
  • 返回 start, 找不到时,会返回左边界或者右边界(上图说的不太对)
caipengbo commented 5 years ago


(数组的) 索引搜索 和 (范围的) 值搜索



caipengbo commented 5 years ago


找不到的情况?越界问题? (一个非常好的题目) 寻找有序数组中,比val值小的数的个数,注意val不一定在数组中,并且数组中可能含有重复元素

    public int findKSmallest(int[] nums, int val) {
        if (nums.length == 0) return 0;
        int l = 0, r = nums.length-1, m;
        while (l < r) {
            m = l + (r - l) / 2;
            if(nums[m] > val) r = m;
            else l = m + 1;
        if (nums[l] > val) return l;  // 如何利用边界
        return l+1;



如何设计 g函数(判断mid的函数)


caipengbo commented 5 years ago

K th 问题 以及 二维问题



行列都排序的二维数组的 Kth 问题

LeetCode:378, 668, 719, 786

如何转换成 二维问题?? 设置两个方向的坐标i j 然后映射到 input的一维数组上


例题 240题

caipengbo commented 5 years ago



1) everytime check if targe == nums[mid], if so, we find it.
2) otherwise, we check if the first half is in order (i.e. nums[left]<=nums[mid]) 
  and if so, go to step 3), otherwise, the second half is in order,   go to step 4)
3) check if target in the range of [left, mid-1] (i.e. nums[left]<=target < nums[mid]), if so, do search in the first half, i.e. right = mid-1; otherwise, search in the second half left = mid+1;
4)  check if target in the range of [mid+1, right] (i.e. nums[mid]<target <= nums[right]), if so, do search in the second half, i.e. left = mid+1; otherwise search in the first half right = mid-1;


The only difference is that due to the existence of duplicates, we can have nums[left] == nums[mid] and in that case, the first half could be out of order (i.e. NOT in the ascending order, e.g. [3 1 2 3 3 3 3]) and we have to deal this case separately. In that case, it is guaranteed that nums[right] also equals to nums[mid], so what we can do is to check if nums[mid]== nums[left] == nums[right] before the original logic, and if so, we can move left and right both towards the middle by 1. and repeat.


g函数 if (nums[mid] < nums[hi])

caipengbo commented 5 years ago
