cairthenn / Redirect

Mouseover plugin for Final Fantaxy XIV. Also lets you queue sprint and macros like normal actions!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Game crash upon using Cursor redirect #25

Closed vkyfox closed 2 months ago

vkyfox commented 2 years ago

Hello! I've noticed a crash I could cause reliably with the Redirect plugin, so I thought it could help sharing my testing here.

I was doing Leviathan for Khloe and I could reliably make my FFXIV crash by using Shukuchi with the Redirect plugin set as Cursor during combat. I tried using Shukuchi in the arena before starting the fight, and it did not cause a crash. I also went in with monk who has Thunderclap set to Model Mouseover and using it did not cause a crash (I made sure the input used the Model Mouseover redirect by manually untargetting first). I then set up whm to use Asylum as Cursor too, went back to leviathan, started the fight and it caused the crash as well. Using it with Cursor outside of combat does not crash the game. Just to be sure, I went into another instance (The Cloud Decks (Extreme)), started the encounter and using Asylum as Cursor crashed the game just as surely.

When I came to the github, I saw issues #18 and #9 that could be linked to this problem, as I am using both new in-game options to place Ground-Targeted AoEs ; so I went in again and did the same tests after disabling them, but the crash happened all the same.

Hoping this helps, if you have any questions please let me know!

cairthenn commented 2 years ago

I've tried to recreate this many times and I can't seem to regardless of the game's settings. It's possible that there's a strange interaction with another plugin you have loaded. Does this happen with only Redirect loaded? If you're able to provide your dalamud.log that may offer some insight.

vkyfox commented 2 years ago

Here are my logs, unfortunately I played a little more after experimenting the crashes so finding them might take a little digging. dalamud.log

I didn't test Redirect alone yesterday so we'll have to wait until the launcher is fixed for the new patch before I can test. If you can't replicate the issue I'm assuming it must come from a conflict with another plugin; now to test which one.

Sykel commented 2 years ago

It's a conflict with FlyTextFilter, I believe. Can't reproduce it with it disabled, reproduces with it on? I was stuck on this for a while but also assumed it was due to Redirect itself. Glad there's a workaround but I don't know why it's this one (??).

vkyfox commented 2 years ago

I don't use FlyTextFilter personally. I tried disabling Damage Info which seemed a close enough candidate, to no avail.

After some more testing, Sound Filter seems to be causing the issue for me. I use it to filter out the confirmation sounds when pressing a hotbar-bound key (116) and when finishing a cast (111). When I tried uninstalling the plugin, the crash didn't occur, reinstalling it made me crash again. Disabling the two filters was not enough to prevent the crash, so I'm assuming there must be something in common between FlyTextFilter and Sound Filter in their inherent functioning conflicting with that of Redirect?

joker-119 commented 2 years ago

I don't use FlyTextFilter or SoundFilter and it's happening to me aswell. Sounds like cursor redirect is fundamentally broken in some way that's causing conflicts when it shouldn't.

NeXzRo commented 2 years ago

i also had the same issue, after disabling SoundFilter my game didn't crash once

neuralwiles commented 1 year ago

This is happening for me as well, and I don't use FlyTextFilter or SoundFilter (or any 3rd party plugins). It doesn't seem to happen all of the time, but I haven't been able to pinpoint exactly what determines if it'll crash or not.

Matuno commented 1 year ago

Does this help?

Fatal error. Internal CLR error. (0x80131506) at Redirect.GameHooks.GroundActionAtCursor(IntPtr, FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.Game.ActionType, UInt32, UInt64, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, Void) at Redirect.GameHooks.TryActionCallback(IntPtr, FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.Game.ActionType, UInt32, UInt64, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, Void) at Dalamud.Game.Framework.HandleFrameworkUpdate(IntPtr)

It seems to trigger on my Scholar's Sacred Soil. Not always, most of the time it works without any changes in other plugins, then easily every time in a given instance.