caitobrien / HydroSurvSizePred

ShinyApp to explore sp/su Chinook salmon smolt length, predation risk, and survival
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Fix developmental version install-- summary plot #9

Closed caitobrien closed 5 months ago

caitobrien commented 6 months ago
Warning: Error in |: operations are possible only for numeric, logical or complex types
  171: fct_summary_plot
  170: renderPlot
  168: func
  128: drawPlot
  114: <reactive:plotObj>
   98: drawReactive
   85: renderFunc
   84: output$subpage4_summary_1-summary_plot
    3: runApp
    2: print.shiny.appobj
    1: <Anonymous>

Error is associated with patchwork and seems to be referencing the | but removed, and the error is still occurring- see commit fdd713505509be5bf98df58e9eb2f652f0cde504 Might be a download lag issue, or worth looking into cowplot? Could switch to plotly and use an alternative plot grid option