caiwang / board2ihost

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[CLOSED] co-relationship #17

Open caiwang opened 9 years ago

caiwang commented 9 years ago

Issue by unissoft-bj Friday Jan 23, 2015 at 11:28 GMT Originally opened as

data from wlpkt on ihost :

echo "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS z_activesta;" | mysql -uroot -prootatussp wlsp echo "Create table z_activesta(select mac, rssi, rectime as timebysec, SUBSTRING(rectime,1,16) as timebymin,CONCAT(SUBSTRING(rectime,1,18),'5') as timebyten from wlpkt where timestampdiff(second,rectime,now())<='900' and rssi>='-75');" | mysql -uroot -prootatussp wlsp

echo "select mac,avg(rssi) as avgrssi,timebymin from z_activesta group by mac,timebymin;" | mysql -uroot -prootatussp wlsp > activesta1.txt

echo "select mac,avg(rssi) as avgrssi,timebyten from z_activesta group by mac,timebyten;" | mysql -uroot -prootatussp wlsp > activesta2.txt

echo "select mac,avg(rssi) as avgrssi,timebysec from z_activesta group by mac,timebysec;" | mysql -uroot -prootatussp wlsp > activesta3.txt




caiwang commented 9 years ago

Comment by unissoft-bj Friday Jan 23, 2015 at 12:07 GMT

data from wlsta on iserver

echo "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS z_activesta;" | mysql -uroot -p0ffs4t? wlsp echo "Create table z_activesta(select mac, rssi, sender,netid, firstseen,timestampdiff(second,firstseen,lastseen) as dura, optime as timebysec, SUBSTRING(optime,1,16) as timebymin from wlsta where timestampdiff(second,lastseen,now())<='900' and timestampdiff(second,firstseen,lastseen)>0);" | mysql -uroot -p0ffs4t? wlsp

echo "select mac,avg(rssi) as avgrssi,netid,timebymin from z_activesta where netid='ihost-xx' group by mac,netid,timebymin;" | mysql -uroot -p0ffs4t? wlsp > activesta4.txt echo "select mac,avg(rssi) as avgrssi,netid,CONCAT(SUBSTRING(timebysec,1,18),'5') as timebyten from z_activesta where netid='ihost-xx' group by mac,netid,timebyten;" | mysql -uroot -p0ffs4t? wlsp > activesta5.txt

echo "select mac,avg(rssi) as avgrssi,netid,timebysec from z_activesta where netid='ihost-xx' group by mac,netid,timebysec;" | mysql -uroot -p0ffs4t? wlsp > activesta6.txt




caiwang commented 9 years ago

Comment by unissoft-bj Friday Jan 23, 2015 at 12:08 GMT

another set of data from wlpkt on ihost


