caiyinqiong / Semantic-Retrieval-Models

A curated list of awesome papers for Semantic Retrieval (TOIS Accepted: Semantic Models for the First-stage Retrieval: A Comprehensive Review).
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Closed caiyinqiong closed 1 year ago

caiyinqiong commented 1 year ago

Questions Are All You Need to Train a Dense Passage Retriever(zero-shot) HypeR: Multitask Hyper-Prompted Training Enables Large-Scale Retrieval Generalization(ICLR2023,zero-shot) COCO-DR: Combating Distribution Shifts in Zero-Shot Dense Retrieval with Contrastive and Distributionally Robust Learning (EMNLP2022, zero-shot)

caiyinqiong commented 1 year ago

An Encoder Attribution Analysis for Dense Passage Retriever in Open-Domain Question Answering(other)

caiyinqiong commented 1 year ago

Sentence-aware Contrastive Learning for Open-Domain Passage Retrieval(DCSR,dense retrieval) Task-Aware Specialization for Efficient and Robust Dense Retrieval for Open-Domain Question Answering(TASER,dense retrieval)

caiyinqiong commented 1 year ago

IntTower: the Next Generation of Two-Tower Model for Pre-Ranking System(inject interaction)

caiyinqiong commented 1 year ago

Parameter-Efficient Prompt Tuning Makes Generalized and Calibrated Neural Text Retrievers(prompt learning)

drogozhang commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the comprehensive and well-curated paper list! LED: Lexicon-Enlightened Dense Retriever for Large-Scale Retrieval has been accepted to WWW'23.

caiyinqiong commented 1 year ago

@drogozhang Great job, congratulations! I will update the information in this repository~

drogozhang commented 1 year ago

@caiyinqiong Thanks!!

caiyinqiong commented 1 year ago

RetroMAE: Pre-Training Retrieval-oriented Language Models Via Masked Auto-Encoder(pre-training, EMNLP2022) Retrieval Oriented Masking Pre-training Language Model for Dense Passage Retrieval (pre-training)

tshu-w commented 1 year ago

RetroMAE: Pre-Training Retrieval-oriented Language Models Via Masked Auto-Encoder(pre-training, EMNLP2022)

RetroMAE is duplicated in the list, and the author of the first one may be wrong.

caiyinqiong commented 1 year ago

@tshu-w I have corrected the errors above. Thank you for your attention to this repository~