cajhin / capsicain

Powerful low-level keyboard remapping tool for Windows
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if current process = "some.exe" #104

Open somesysadm opened 5 months ago

somesysadm commented 5 months ago

dear mr. cajhin, what do you think about a new feature?

ifprocess vmware.exe: COMBO F1 [^^&^] > sequence (&LCTRL&LALT ^LCTRL^LALT &LALTTAB^LALT) ifprocess mstsc.exe: COMBO F1 [^^&^] > sequence (&LCTRL_&LALT _SLEEP:200_homeSLEEP:200 ^LCTRL^LALT &F14.^F14) COMBO F1 [^^&^] > sequence (&LALTTAB^LALT) # for all other tasks

so when user clicks ctrl-f1 capsicain sends sequence based on current active process. i believe it could be useful and not time consuming to code.

P.S. actually I desperately need this feature, cause I spend many hours trying to get a unified shortcut to switch between vmwares, RDPs, VNCs by lots of tools with no success