cajhin / capsicain

Powerful low-level keyboard remapping tool for Windows
349 stars 18 forks source link

Help with my custom configuration #7

Closed andarms closed 3 years ago

andarms commented 3 years ago

Hello, I love what you had done.

I bougth a cheap 60% keyboard with awful layout for arrows keys and with caspicain i coluld made my custom layout using SPACE as a modifier


COMBO   J  [...& .... ....] > key (LEFT)
COMBO   L  [...& .... ....] > key (RIGHT)  
COMBO   I  [...& .... ....] > key (UP)
COMBO   K  [...& .... ....] > key (DOWN)
COMBO   Y  [...& .... ....] > key (HOME)
COMBO   U  [...& .... ....] > key (END)

but I have a few questions:

cajhin commented 3 years ago

Hello, I love what you had done.

Thanks for the feedback - there's not much of it so I just code what I need myself.

I bougth a cheap 60% keyboard with awful layout for arrows keys and with caspicain i coluld made my custom layout using SPACE as a modifier

Try it out. I myself stepped away from the space bar; when typing I hit it very often and very fast, which tends to result in accidents when it is overloaded (Example, I type "on a jam", high chance that it results in "on a[LEFT]am" with your layout). But everybody types differently. My "cursor control power key" is CapsLock, I've been happy with it for 15 years now.

why [...& .... ....] is MOD9?

it's position #9 (the mod symbols go from right to left, it is in essence a number). MOD1..8 are the standard modifiers (shift ctrl win alt)

is posible to map LCTRL to D while holding down MOD9 (SPACE)?

Like "LCtrl+Mod9 > key(D) ? No. You can't map pure modifier combos to something. Again, error prone (e.g. I keep hitting shift+alt, which toggles the Windows language, argh). And I don't need it, there are so many possible combos available.

how to map Ñ to ALT + N?

I guess that's the [;] key on a Spanish keyboard? ; [....] > combo(ALT+N) (off the top of my head, I didn't verify this is correct)

how to map accented vowels (á, é, í, ó, ú) to ALT + VOWELS?

You cannot map characters. You can only map KEYS. I don't know how you produce a "á" with your language setting. Basically, look at the capsicain console, press [ESC]+D for debug output, then press the key you want to do something. That's the key (scancode label) you want. Maybe I didn't understand the question.

is posible to add media controls like play/pause, prev track, next track?

You mean make the physical [play] button do something? Depends. Again, open the debug console, press the key, and see if something happens. Some keys send out a proper keyboard scan code, but some special keys send a USB signal that is not "keyboard". Like your mouse buttons, they come over USB, but they are not processed by the keyboard stack. If capsicain doesn't see it, you cannot remap it.

If you want to SEND media keys, look at this file: The codes on the right, like "PLAYPAUSE", are the scancode labels that you can put in your capsicain.ini Like "P [&.&.] > key(PLAYPAUSE) #LCTRL+LALT+P sends play/pause