cajhin / capsicain

Powerful low-level keyboard remapping tool for Windows
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Cannot hide console on Windows 11 #80

Closed Lingxi-Li closed 1 year ago

Lingxi-Li commented 1 year ago

No issue on Windows 10, but on Windows 11 (Version 22H2, to be specific), there seems to be no way to hide the console. Despite the global options

GLOBAL StartInTraybar
GLOBAL StartMinimized

capsicain still starts with console in my face. When started, [ESC] + [T] is able to minimize the console, but the icon still remains on task bar, which is quite annoying.

Lingxi-Li commented 1 year ago

OK, I seem to have located the root cause. Windows 11 comes with the following console setting.


The issue is with "Windows Terminal" which is default for me.

cajhin commented 1 year ago

Thank you, that was very helpful.

(hours later, I managed to restore my Win11 VM and upgrade to 22H2, where the Terminal is indeed now the default)

I'll put a notice on the front page. The short version is: make a shortcut, and explicitly start capsicain in the console host Target: conhost.exe c:\your\path\capsicain exe Start in: c:\your\path\