cajhin / capsicain

Powerful low-level keyboard remapping tool for Windows
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Remap escape on one keyboard, don't use it as Capsicain command modifier #98

Open gsuberland opened 7 months ago

gsuberland commented 7 months ago

I have two keyboards - a tenkeyless and a separate tenkey pad. The tenkey pad has its own Esc key which I would like to map to LCtrl.

My current config is:

OPTION IncludeDeviceID vid_0c45
OPTION ExcludeDeviceID vid_2efd
OPTION ConfigName Main
OPTION debug

Where vid_2efd is the main keyboard, and vid_0c45 is the tenkey pad.

When I press Esc on the tenkey pad, I see:

(Hard ESCv )
 [ 1 0=   ESC >    LCTRLv ] [M:   2 T:   2 D:      ]   --  LCTRLv {LCTRLv #1}
(Hard ESC^ )
 [ 1 1=   ESC >    LCTRL^ ] [M:     T:   2 D:      ]   --  LCTRL^ {LCTRL^ #0} (tap)

However, if I try to press any other key along with it, I see:

::Unknown command

Which, I presume, means it is interpreting Esc+whatever as a capsicain command. I can still run Esc commands on the main keyboard as usual, of course.

Is there a way to tell capsicain to not treat Esc on the tenkeypad as a command modifier, so I can remap it to LCtrl or some other key?

cajhin commented 7 months ago

Sorry, the ESC key is the one hardcoded key that is not fully configurable. Esc+X will always trigger the 'exit' command, regardless of configuration (the intention was that you cannot configure yourself into a trap where you cannot get out without a reboot).