cake-build / cake-vs

Cake Extension for Visual Studio
MIT License
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VS2017 - Task Runner Explorer Failure #83

Closed njappboy closed 7 years ago

njappboy commented 7 years ago

I received a VS2017 update Friday and it has caused the task runner explorer to fail to load any cake tasks. I setup a quick sample project to make sure the issue wasn't due to pre-existing artifacts. Same issue with the new project, although, as you see in the screenshot, that build.cake is displayed - minus its tasks. In all existing VS2017 csproj that use cake and build.cake the build.cake root node element is not even shown in the Task Runner Explorer.


agc93 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the heads up @njappboy ! Can you give me your exact Visual Studio version (the updated one) so I can try and replicate this issue?

njappboy commented 7 years ago

@agc93 Let me know if you need anything else for diagnosis:

Version 15.4.4 VisualStudio.15.Release/15.4.4+27004.2009

Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 
Version 15.4.4
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.7.02556

Installed Version: Enterprise

Architecture Diagrams and Analysis Tools   00369-60000-00001-AA401
Microsoft Architecture Diagrams and Analysis Tools

Visual Basic 2017   00369-60000-00001-AA401
Microsoft Visual Basic 2017

Visual C# 2017   00369-60000-00001-AA401
Microsoft Visual C# 2017

Visual C++ 2017   00369-60000-00001-AA401
Microsoft Visual C++ 2017

Visual F# 4.1   00369-60000-00001-AA401
Microsoft Visual F# 4.1

Add New File   3.5
The fastest and easiest way to add new files to any project - including files that start with a dot

ASP.NET and Web Tools 2017   15.0.30925.0
ASP.NET and Web Tools 2017

ASP.NET Core Razor Language Services   1.0
Provides languages services for ASP.NET Core Razor.

ASP.NET Web Frameworks and Tools 2017   5.2.50921.0
For additional information, visit

Azure App Service Tools v3.0.0   15.0.30915.0
Azure App Service Tools v3.0.0

Azure Data Lake Node   1.0
This package contains the Data Lake integration nodes for Server Explorer.

Azure Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio   2.3.0000.1
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio

Azure Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio   2.3.0000.1
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio

Bundler & Minifier   2.5.359
Adds support for bundling and minifying JavaScript, CSS and HTML files in any project.

Cake for Visual Studio
Adds support for the Cake build tool in Visual Studio 2015 and 2017. Includes support for the Task Runner Explorer, new templates and bootstrapping important Cake files.

Common Azure Tools   1.10
Provides common services for use by Azure Mobile Services and Microsoft Azure Tools.

Cookiecutter   3.0.17310.2
Provides tools for finding, instantiating and customizing templates in cookiecutter format.

CSS Tools   1.1.21
Provides additional features to the CSS editor in Visual Studio.

EditorConfig Language Service   1.17.226
Language service for .editorconfig files.

EditorConfig helps developers define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs.

Fabric.DiagnosticEvents   1.0
Fabric Diagnostic Events

File Icons   2.7
Adds icons for files that are not recognized by Solution Explorer

File Nesting   2.6.67
Automatically nest files based on file name and enables developers to nest and unnest any file manually

A Visual Studio Extension that brings the GitHub Flow into Visual Studio.

HTML Tools   1.0.3
Productivity tools for the HTML editor

Image Optimizer   3.7.117
Uses industry standard tools to optimize any JPEG, PNG and Gifs - including animated Gifs. Can do both lossy and lossless optimization.

Image Sprites   1.4.47
Boost your website's performance by creating image sprites to reduce the amount of HTTP requests needed.

JavaScript Language Service   2.0
JavaScript Language Service

JavaScript Project System   2.0
JavaScript Project System

JavaScript UWP Project System   2.0
JavaScript UWP Project System

JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2017.2.2    Build 109.0.20171006.122324
JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate package for Microsoft Visual Studio. For more information about ReSharper Ultimate, visit Copyright © 2017 JetBrains, Inc.

Markdown Editor   1.11.214
A full featured Markdown editor with live preview and syntax highlighting. Supports GitHub flavored Markdown.

Merq   1.1.17-rc (cba4571)
Command Bus, Event Stream and Async Manager for Visual Studio extensions.

Microsoft Azure HDInsight Azure Node   2.3.0000.1
HDInsight Node under Azure Node

Microsoft Azure Hive Query Language Service   2.3.0000.1
Language service for Hive query

Microsoft Azure Service Fabric Tools for Visual Studio   1.8
Microsoft Azure Service Fabric Tools for Visual Studio

Microsoft Azure Stream Analytics Language Service   2.3.0000.1
Language service for Azure Stream Analytics

Microsoft Azure Stream Analytics Node   1.0
Azure Stream Analytics Node under Azure Node

Microsoft Azure Tools   2.9
Microsoft Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 - v2.9.50719.1

Microsoft Continuous Delivery Tools for Visual Studio   0.3
Simplifying the configuration of continuous build integration and continuous build delivery from within the Visual Studio IDE.

Microsoft JVM Debugger   1.0
Provides support for connecting the Visual Studio debugger to JDWP compatible Java Virtual Machines

Microsoft MI-Based Debugger   1.0
Provides support for connecting Visual Studio to MI compatible debuggers

Microsoft Visual C++ Wizards   1.0
Microsoft Visual C++ Wizards

Microsoft Visual Studio VC Package   1.0
Microsoft Visual Studio VC Package

Mono Debugging for Visual Studio   4.7.4-pre (c2d89eb)
Support for debugging Mono processes with Visual Studio.

Node.js Tools   1.4.10918.1
Adds support for developing and debugging Node.js apps in Visual Studio

NuGet Package Manager   4.4.0
NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio. For more information about NuGet, visit

Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2017 ENU   15.0.26818
Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2017 ENU

Open Command Line   2.1.179
Opens a command line at the root of the project. Support for all consoles such as CMD, PowerShell, Bash etc. Provides syntax highlighting, Intellisense and execution of .cmd and .bat files.

Package Installer   2.0.101
Makes it easier, faster and more convenient than ever to install Bower, npm, Yarn, JSPM, TSD, Typings and NuGet packages to any project

Package Security Alerts   1.0.17
Identifies npm and Bower packages that contains known security vulnerabilities to ensure your project is always using the most secure package versions.

Python   3.0.17310.2
Provides IntelliSense, projects, templates, debugging, interactive windows, and other support for Python developers.

Python - Django support   3.0.17310.2
Provides templates and integration for the Django web framework.

Python - IronPython support   3.0.17310.2
Provides templates and integration for IronPython-based projects.

Python - Profiling support   3.0.17310.2
Profiling support for Python projects.

Python - UWP support   3.0.17310.2
Provides templates and integration for the UWP framework.

R Tools for Visual Studio   1.2.30905.1244
Provides project system, R Interactive window, plotting, and more for the R programming language.

Redgate ReadyRoll
Extend DevOps processes to your SQL Server databases and safely automate database deployments.

Visit for more information.

Copyright (C) 2011 Red Gate Software Ltd. All rights reserved.

This software contains components from Component Owl.
SQL Server is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. 
Visual Studio is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. 

ReadyRoll contains code from the following open source software:

SQL LocalDB Wrapper
Extended WPF Toolkit
Code InfoBox VSX

This product contains icons from distributed under a free backlink license.

For license details or other notices relating to the above software, please see NOTICE.TXT and EULA.rtf in the ReadyRoll application folder.

Redgate SQL Prompt
Write, format, and refactor SQL effortlessly

SQL Server Data Tools   15.1.61707.200
Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools

Syntax Highlighting Pack   2.7.125
Adds syntax highlighting and snippet support for a wide variety of programming languages such as Clojure, Go, Jade, Lua, Swift, Ruby and many more...

ToolWindowHostedEditor   1.0
Hosting json editor into a tool window

TypeScript tools for Visual Studio

Visual C++ for Cross Platform Mobile Development (Android)   15.0.26823.01
Visual C++ for Cross Platform Mobile Development (Android)

Visual C++ for Linux Development   1.0.8
Visual C++ for Linux Development

Visual Studio Code Debug Adapter Host Package   1.0
Interop layer for hosting Visual Studio Code debug adapters in Visual Studio

Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova   15.120.6728.2
Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova

Visual Studio tools for CMake   1.0
Visual Studio tools for CMake

Visual Studio Tools for Unity
Visual Studio Tools for Unity

Visual Studio Tools for Universal Windows Apps   15.0.27004.2008
The Visual Studio Tools for Universal Windows apps allow you to build a single universal app experience that can reach every device running Windows 10: phone, tablet, PC, and more. It includes the Microsoft Windows 10 Software Development Kit.

VisualStudio.IoT   1.0
Package with IoT components for Visual Studio

VisualStudio.Mac   1.0
Mac Extension for Visual Studio

Vue.js Pack 2017   1.1.8
Contains HTML Intellisense and code snippets for the Vue.js JavaScript library

Web Accessibility Checker   1.5.56
The easiest way to perform accessibility checks on any ASP.NET web application. Fully customizable and support all the major international accessibility standards.

Web Compiler   1.11.326
Compiler for LESS, Sass and CoffeeScript files

Web Essentials 2017   1.5.31
The easiest way to set up Visual Studio for the ultimate web development experience. Requires Visual Studio 2017 Update 3 or newer

WebJobs Tools v1.0.0   15.0.30923.0
WebJobs Tools v1.0.0

Workflow Manager Tools 1.0   1.0
This package contains the necessary Visual Studio integration components for Workflow Manager.

Xamarin (34c1b6c)
Visual Studio extension to enable development for Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android.

Xamarin.Android SDK (HEAD/c2a33d8ea)
Xamarin.Android Reference Assemblies and MSBuild support.

Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Mac SDK (51128b8)
Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Mac Reference Assemblies and MSBuild support.

ZenCoding   1.2.11
Provides ZenCoding for the HTML Editor - full support for static HTML, Razor and WebForms.
njappboy commented 7 years ago

@agc93 I've started striping cake out of my solution to see if the issue resolves itself. Once I removed cake.config files from each project the Task Runner Explorer began working once again after re-opening the solution in VS2017.

Let me see if I can isolate the issue.

njappboy commented 7 years ago

@agc93 closing this issue. User error was the cause.. 2 Nuget sources in a cake.config

agc93 commented 7 years ago

Great, thanks for the update @njappboy ! Happy to hear you worked it out, and I might try and improve the error reporting a little in a future release.

Thanks again!