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FakeFileSystem throws on linux, when it is created on a Windows FakeEnvironment #4322

Open nils-a opened 1 month ago

nils-a commented 1 month ago


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What are you seeing?

demo code

using Cake.Core;
using Cake.Core.IO;
using Cake.Testing;
using Xunit;

namespace test1;

public class Tests
    public void T1()
        var fixture = new MyFixture();


public class MyFixture
    public ICakeEnvironment Environment { get; }
    public IFileSystem FileSystem { get; }

    public MyFixture()
        Environment = FakeEnvironment.CreateWindowsEnvironment();
        FileSystem = new FakeFileSystem(Environment);


System.ArgumentException: Working directory cannot be relative.

Working directory cannot be relative.
   at Cake.Testing.FakeFileSystemTree..ctor(ICakeEnvironment environment)
   at Cake.Testing.FakeFileSystem..ctor(ICakeEnvironment environment)
   at test1.MyFixture..ctor() in /home/nils/dev/test1/Class1.cs:line 27
   at test1.Tests.T1() in /home/nils/dev/test1/Class1.cs:line 13
   at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Void** arguments, Signature sig, Boolean isConstructor)
   at System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker.InvokeWithNoArgs(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr)

What is expected?

I expect no error to occur.

Steps to Reproduce

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nils-a commented 1 month ago

Cause of the problem:

When the FakeFileSystem is created, it creates a FakeFileSystemTree using the given ICakeEnvironment:

The FakeFileSystemTree checks whether environment.WorkingDirectory.IsRelative is true and if so, it throws the exception:

Now, ICakeEnvironment.WorkingDirectory.IsRelative is defined as:

PathHelper.IsPathRooted relies on

And EnvironmentHelper.GetPlatformFamily in turn checks, what the current system is. I.e. the system running the test, not the FakeEnvironment that was defined in the test.

Thus, the WorkingDirectory, which is defined in FakeEnvironment as

is checked for IsRooted on my linux system, and not on the FakeEnvironment.

On my linux system, C:/Working is not rooted. Thus, it is treated as relative, and the exception is thrown.