cake-contrib / Cake.Incubator

This project contains various experimental but useful extension methods and aliases for Cake
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CodeQL-Build fails on every run. #161

Closed nils-a closed 2 years ago

nils-a commented 2 years ago

The error is:

Teardown error: System.InvalidOperationException: The context data has not been setup.
   at Cake.Core.CakeDataService.Get[TData]() in C:\projects\cake\src\Cake.Core\CakeDataService.cs:line 32
   at Cake.Core.CakeEngineActions.<>c__DisplayClass21_0`1.<RegisterTeardown>b__0(ITeardownContext context) in C:\projects\cake\src\Cake.Core\CakeEngineActions.cs:line 64
   at Cake.Core.DefaultExecutionStrategy.PerformTeardown(Action`1 action, ITeardownContext teardownContext) in C:\projects\cake\src\Cake.Core\DefaultExecutionStrategy.cs:line 67
   at Cake.Core.CakeEngine.PerformTeardown(IExecutionStrategy strategy, ICakeContext context, Stopwatch stopWatch, CakeReport report, Boolean exceptionWasThrown, Exception thrownException) in C:\projects\cake\src\Cake.Core\CakeEngine.cs:line 494
Error: One or more errors occurred. (The type initializer for 'LibGit2Sharp.Core.NativeMethods' threw an exception.)
The type initializer for 'LibGit2Sharp.Core.NativeMethods' threw an exception.
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

The underlying problem here is that the CodeQL workflow is based on ubuntu-latest which currently is an alias for ubuntu-20.04 which has known issues running libgit2sharp. The fix would be to pin the workflow to ubuntu-18.04

cake-contrib-bot commented 2 years ago

:tada: This issue has been resolved in version 7.0.0 :tada:

The release is available on:

Your GitReleaseManager bot :package::rocket: