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Splitting the version packages in fdroid (v8a, v7a, etc.) #1047

Open serrq opened 9 months ago

serrq commented 9 months ago

My device just wants an arm64 v8a apk ~79mb. Why I have to download every time 235 mb for all packages in fdroid repo?


serrq commented 9 months ago

SimpleX Chat does exactly what I mean.


SamsungGalaxyPlayer commented 9 months ago

Can you link additional resources on this? I have no idea how to do this for F-Droid.

serrq commented 9 months ago

Can you link additional resources on this? I have no idea how to do this for F-Droid.

Unfortunately I don't know how to do it. I am not a developer.

epoberezkin commented 9 months ago

you could +1 version for one of the builds in gradle script - so say 64bit will be 100, 32bit 101. And make sure to skip the build number when you release - that's how we do it.

Or you can +10000000 for 32 bit version (that was fdroid advice), then you don't need to skip versions, but they'll look weird for 32 bits.

epoberezkin commented 9 months ago

bottom line - different platforms require different build numbers in fdroid, like it was in play store in the past...

TempUser13 commented 8 months ago

It look like is how you'd build split apks.

nahuhh commented 4 months ago

Bump @tuxpizza

tuxpizza commented 4 months ago

Looking into this!

OmarHatem28 commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry just saw this issue. @TempUser13 thanks for the PR, but yeah Flutter has already a built-in way to split the fat APK, we just didn't want to have a lot of files in the releases so we don't confuse the users since there are already 4 files that get uploaded to Github, but for F-Droid we can indeed upload the split versions separately. will start doing so from the next release

TempUser13 commented 1 week ago

Til about Flutter having a split apk feature built in but you're welcome, I know you don't want to confuse users but there will still be people downloading from GitHub either manually or via Obtainium, for instance I personally use Obtainium. You could mention in the readme for Android users but you'll still have the regular universal apk regardless. Having brought up Obtainium, are you/the team aware of Accrescent? Would you consider adding a check for update in app too?

nahuhh commented 1 week ago

Having split apks on GH is probably ideal.

Currently its(not verbatim)


could be


Would you consider adding a check for update in app too?

@TempUser13 .. opt-in only 🙃. Fdroid can check just fine

nahuhh commented 1 week ago

@tuxpizza can close as completed :D

(don't forget to do fdroid as well)