cake-tech / cake_wallet

The open source repository for Cake Wallet, a noncustodial multi-currency wallet, and, a noncustodial Monero-only wallet. Need help? Check out
MIT License
637 stars 173 forks source link

F-Droid Support #113

Closed tannerdsilva closed 1 year ago

tannerdsilva commented 3 years ago

This issue a carryover from #105, in which two topics were brought up and one was resolved. The outstanding topic is related to F-Droid support, and is the primary concern of this issue.

In issue #105, @mezzazon mentioned that F-Droid support is in the works, but adding such support created various constraints that we need to avoid to ensure a complete experience for all users.

As F-Droid support evolves, this issue will be updated accordingly.

emanuelb commented 3 years ago

There is open RFP (Request For Packaging) at F-droid in:

IzzySoft commented 3 years ago

F-Droid maintainer here. The main thing currently missing are Fastlane structures (minimal set would be short_description.txt and full_description.txt in fastlane/metadata/android/en-US, screenshots are highly recommended). Once that's established please give us a ping and we can trigger our issuebot for an up-to-date scan to see where we stand; with some luck, integration can be started right away from there.

mkyq commented 3 years ago

We will back to F-Droid support after next major release. Actually there is issue with secrets which we are generating for our app on building stage, they are using as salt for some encryption processes. So we need to decide how to handle this situation for F-Droid builds.

IzzySoft commented 3 years ago

That could possibly be included with the F-Droid build process (as part of the so called "build recipe") as well, as long as it only relies on FOSS tools (like packages that can be installed from the standard Debian repos and are then called to produce the "salt").

nahuhh commented 3 years ago

We will back to F-Droid support after next major release. Actually there is issue with secrets which we are generating for our app on building stage, they are using as salt for some encryption processes. So we need to decide how to handle this situation for F-Droid builds.

And update on this? Should be a top priority.

Also, latest update included push notifications, mind if I ask what method you used? Another "Foss" app claims there are no solutions aside from google fcm. (Of course, this isn't true)

mkyq commented 3 years ago

We will back to F-Droid support after next major release. Actually there is issue with secrets which we are generating for our app on building stage, they are using as salt for some encryption processes. So we need to decide how to handle this situation for F-Droid builds.

And update on this? Should be a top priority.

Sorry we had some other integrations for that time. We are planning to back to this around 21 June.

nahuhh commented 3 years ago

We will back to F-Droid support after next major release. Actually there is issue with secrets which we are generating for our app on building stage, they are using as salt for some encryption processes. So we need to decide how to handle this situation for F-Droid builds.

And update on this? Should be a top priority.

Sorry we had some other integrations for that time. We are planning to back to this around 21 June.

Appreciate it. Cheers

CakeWallet commented 3 years ago

Still working on it.

apotheon commented 3 years ago

The Play Store API might have temporarily broken Aurora, so Cake doesn't appear to be there now. I'd love to be able to install and update from F-Droid, so count this as moral support for the F-Droid effort.

Thanks for working on this.

mkyq commented 3 years ago

The Play Store API might have temporarily broken Aurora, so Cake doesn't appear to be there now. I'd love to be able to install and update from F-Droid, so count this as moral support for the F-Droid effort.

Thanks for working on this.

We just back to integration into F-Droid again. We will work on option to build the app without push notifications which require google api.

nahuhh commented 3 years ago

The Play Store API might have temporarily broken Aurora, so Cake doesn't appear to be there now. I'd love to be able to install and update from F-Droid, so count this as moral support for the F-Droid effort.

Thanks for working on this.

We just back to integration into F-Droid again. We will work on option to build the app without push notifications which require google api.

Please do. No need / want for Google push services on the Premier monero wallet.

Have also never received a push notification, so not sure what it's used for (exchanges maybe?)

apotheon commented 3 years ago

I imagine some people want push notifications for something like notification that a transaction went through, or got X confirmations, or something like that, but I'm not sure whether that's the use case for push notifications with Cake. I haven't really used it yet, in part because of the lack of F-Droid support. I'm looking forward to F-Droid availability now.

nahuhh commented 3 years ago

I imagine some people want push notifications for something like notification that a transaction went through, or got X confirmations, or something like that, but I'm not sure whether that's the use case for push notifications with Cake. I haven't really used it yet, in part because of the lack of F-Droid support. I'm looking forward to F-Droid availability now.

Agreed. Currently cake disconnects when in the background (at least, on android), and I've never received a push notification with the current implementation.

I wouldn't mind a FOSS alternative, even a polling solution or a persistent notification.

Idk what the play store version ships with, it can have all the tracking available. Lol. but a clean f droid build is what I desire.

mkyq commented 3 years ago

@CakeWallet uses push notifications for remind about updates in new versions of the app and notify users that released new version.

IzzySoft commented 3 years ago

@mezzazon then you won't need that in the F-Droid build anyhow: as F-Droid has its own signing process, APKs signed by you wouldn't be compatible (signature mismatch), and updates available at F-Droid itself are reported by the F-Droid client.

Should you ever need push notifications for something else, take a look at my notes here. UnifiedPush is already supported via Gotify-UP which is available at F-Droid.

BraINstinct0 commented 2 years ago

Since Monero and F-Droid both value the openness and privacy, F-droid support will really be beneficial.

BraINstinct0 commented 2 years ago

@IzzySoft Looking at another issue #198 , I've found out that currently at least three third-party service(s) are being indirectly used.

(Don't get me wrong, there is just a requirement to notify, not remove it altogether. Giving alternatives or stripping away does work but you should weigh between functionality and openness.)

relevant source(s): Sites used for the transaction detail view

IzzySoft commented 2 years ago

@BraINstinct0 good points. For F-Droid, that would be covered by the NonFreeNet anti-feature – while FCM (here for push notifications) would block inclusion. May I again point to UnifiedPush, which just got a few more distributors ("back-ends") added? See my list here.

mkyq commented 2 years ago

Sorry that we hold pause on this. We are working on couple of new releases and then we will back to fdroid integration.

BraINstinct0 commented 2 years ago

No worries, I'd rather wait for(or contribute for) stable F-Droid supported release than get early hit-and-mostly-miss releases. I'm leaving notes so that F-Droid support can be a little, if any, smoother and more guaranteed - because I do like CakeWallet 😉

IzzySoft commented 2 years ago

Well, you certainly cannot clone yourself to get more jobs done within the same time, so you have to set priorities :wink: We gladly help you when you're ready for it – the sooner the happier, but with patience of course :smile:

nahuhh commented 2 years ago

Since Monero and F-Droid both value the openness and privacy, F-droid support will really be beneficial.

If FCM is the only disqualifying non-feature, as a part of the community, I would greatly appreciate that a FLOSS cake wallet is released with greater priority than ztrash.

People are skeptical, and I believe there to be some justinfication to that.

.. Good morning.

BraINstinct0 commented 2 years ago

Well, you certainly cannot clone yourself to get more jobs done within the same time, so you have to set priorities 😉 We gladly help you when you're ready for it – the sooner the happier, but with patience of course 😄

Or, if it doesn't seem to be timely, we cannot clone mezzazon but _we can clone cake_wallet_ - that's one of what oss is for, doing the right thing when things seem to be going the other way. But, I can wait. :)

trymeouteh commented 2 years ago

Would love to see this on F-Droid.

IzzySoft commented 2 years ago

Just fell on this once more during the latest triage run at F-Droid. Any progress so far? We'd like to keep the number of "dormant issues" at a minimum, and there was no update for almost a year now. Any ETA? Shall I set another reminder for a heads-up? No pressure, but it would be good to know where we stand :wink:

nahuhh commented 2 years ago

@BraINstinct0 good points. For F-Droid, that would be covered by the NonFreeNet anti-feature – while FCM (here for push notifications) would block inclusion. May I again point to UnifiedPush, which just got a few more distributors ("back-ends") added? See my list here.

To rebump


Status IM has recently added firebase to their messenger app. The Google play release includes firebase notifications option, but the f droid release does not. Added firebase im assuming to imorove background reliability for regular folks that dont care about the Foss aspect.

IzzySoft commented 2 years ago

@mkyq any response to my above question? As the RFP is still dormant, it will now enter the closure phase: it's now 1 year that we got the last response there.

nahuhh commented 2 years ago

@mkyq any response to my above question? As the RFP is still dormant, it will now enter the closure phase: it's now 1 year that we got the last response there.


SamsungGalaxyPlayer commented 2 years ago

We can close this on the official fdroid repo side for now. We will likely use our own repo.

IzzySoft commented 2 years ago

Thanks @SamsungGalaxyPlayer – closing then. Should you one day re-decide, just knock on our door. All the best for your project – and the new repo!

apotheon commented 2 years ago

Is there any information about when Cake would use its own repo for F-Droid, then, or is this basically "no, we we won't support F-Droid installation at all for now"?

SamsungGalaxyPlayer commented 2 years ago

No specific ETA @apotheon. We'll post on Twitter and Reddit when it's live!

Obazzi commented 2 years ago

We can close this on the official fdroid repo side for now. We will likely use our own repo.

Are you going to keep the google spyware (firebase) in the custom fdroid repo version?

Sadly, it seems like there are no safe Monero wallets for Android, all the ones I can find have proprietary blobs. I guess I will stick to using Monero only on my computer.

nahuhh commented 2 years ago

We can close this on the official fdroid repo side for now. We will likely use our own repo.

Are you going to keep the google spyware (firebase) in the custom fdroid repo version?

Sadly, it seems like there are no safe Monero wallets for Android, all the ones I can find have proprietary blobs. I guess I will stick to using Monero only on my computer.

Monerujo and shruum included? I havent checked but dont believe they have any Google stuff

Obazzi commented 2 years ago

We can close this on the official fdroid repo side for now. We will likely use our own repo.

Are you going to keep the google spyware (firebase) in the custom fdroid repo version? Sadly, it seems like there are no safe Monero wallets for Android, all the ones I can find have proprietary blobs. I guess I will stick to using Monero only on my computer.

Monerujo and shruum included? I havent checked but dont believe they have any Google stuff

Monerujo developer said he made his own fdroid repo because "i have not managed to get a buildscript running according to f-droid guidelines". I thought this insinuated Monerujo had proprietary blobs.

I did not know about shruum before.

SamsungGalaxyPlayer commented 2 years ago

@Obazzi Cake Wallet and do not use Firebase, which you can verify in the code. I'm not sure where you heard this rumor, but it's incorrect.

nahuhh commented 2 years ago

@Obazzi Cake Wallet and do not use Firebase, which you can verify in the code. I'm not sure where you heard this rumor, but it's incorrect.

I could have sworn it was in older versions cake

IzzySoft commented 2 years ago

I've just checked the latest monero.com_1.0.6.apk with my library scanner. It had no findings:

Library Checker Results
Libraries detected:
* Android Support v4 (/android/support/v4): Development Framework, Apache-2.0
* AndroidX Activity (/androidx/activity): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Android Jetpack Annotations (/androidx/annotation): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Arch (/androidx/arch): Utility, Apache-2.0
* AppCompat (/androidx/appcompat): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Asynclayoutinflater (/androidx/asynclayoutinflater): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Biometric (/androidx/biometric): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Cardview (/androidx/cardview): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Android Support Library collections (/androidx/collection): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Coordinatorlayout (/androidx/coordinatorlayout): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Androidx Core (/androidx/core): Utility, Apache-2.0
* AndroidX Cursor Adapter (/androidx/cursoradapter): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Android Support Library Custom View (/androidx/customview): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Documentfile (/androidx/documentfile): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Drawerlayout (/androidx/drawerlayout): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* AndroidX Fragment (/androidx/fragment): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Interpolator (/androidx/interpolator): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* androidx.legacy (/androidx/legacy): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Lifecycle (/androidx/lifecycle): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Loader (/androidx/loader): Utility, Apache-2.0
* AndroidX Local Broadcast Manager (/androidx/localbroadcastmanager): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Media (/androidx/media): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Print (/androidx/print): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Recyclerview (/androidx/recyclerview): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Android Activity Saved State (/androidx/savedstate): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Slidingpanelayout (/androidx/slidingpanelayout): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Swiperefreshlayout (/androidx/swiperefreshlayout): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Tracing (/androidx/tracing): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Transition (/androidx/transition): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Vectordrawable (/androidx/vectordrawable): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Android Jetpack VersionedParcelable (/androidx/versionedparcelable): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Viewpager (/androidx/viewpager): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* AndroidX Widget ViewPager2 (/androidx/viewpager2): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Webkit (/androidx/webkit): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Flutter Permission handler Plugin (/com/baseflow/permissionhandler): Utility, MIT
* Headlong (/com/esaulpaugh/headlong): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Google Material Design (/com/google/android/material): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Google Core Libraries for Java 6+ (/com/google/common): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Error Prone (/com/google/errorprone): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Google Gson (/com/google/gson): Utility, Apache-2.0
* J2ObjC (/com/google/j2objc): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Google Protocol Buffers (/com/google/protobuf): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* ZXing ('Zebra Crossing') (/com/google/zxing): Utility, Apache-2.0
* flutter_secure_storage (/com/it_nomads/fluttersecurestorage): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* keccak (/com/joemelsha/crypto/hash): Utility, Apache-2.0
* MiGBase64 (/com/migcomponents/migbase64): Utility, BSD-2-Clause
* File Picker (/com/mr/flutter/plugin/filepicker): UI Component, MIT
* esys_flutter_share (/de/esys/esysfluttershare): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Barcode Scanner (/de/mintware/barcode_scan): Utility, MIT
* Flutter (/io/flutter): Development Framework, BSD-3-Clause
* Flutter Android Lifecycle Plugin (/io/flutter/plugins/flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* local_auth (/io/flutter/plugins/localauth): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* PackageInfo (/io/flutter/plugins/packageinfo): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* path_provider (/io/flutter/plugins/pathprovider): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* Share plugin (/io/flutter/plugins/share): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* shared_preferences (/io/flutter/plugins/sharedpreferences): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* url_launcher (/io/flutter/plugins/urllauncher): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* WebView for Flutter (/io/flutter/plugins/webviewflutter): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* JavaX Annotation API (/javax/annotation): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* Kotlin (/kotlin): Utility, Apache-2.0
* barcodescanner (/me/dm7/barcodescanner): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Apache Commons (/org/apache/commons): Development Framework, Apache-2.0
* Bouncy Castle (/org/bouncycastle): Utility, MIT
* Checker Framework (/org/checkerframework): Utility, GPL-2.0-only
* Webkit Boundary Interfaces (/org/chromium/support_lib_boundary): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* MojoHaus AnimalSniffer Maven Plugin (/org/codehaus/mojo/animal_sniffer): Utility, MIT
* IntelliJ IDEA (/org/intellij): Utility, Apache-2.0
No offending libs found.
nahuhh commented 2 years ago

I've just checked the latest monero.com_1.0.6.apk with my library scanner. It had no findings:

Library Checker Results
Libraries detected:
* Android Support v4 (/android/support/v4): Development Framework, Apache-2.0
* AndroidX Activity (/androidx/activity): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Android Jetpack Annotations (/androidx/annotation): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Arch (/androidx/arch): Utility, Apache-2.0
* AppCompat (/androidx/appcompat): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Asynclayoutinflater (/androidx/asynclayoutinflater): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Biometric (/androidx/biometric): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Cardview (/androidx/cardview): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Android Support Library collections (/androidx/collection): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Coordinatorlayout (/androidx/coordinatorlayout): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Androidx Core (/androidx/core): Utility, Apache-2.0
* AndroidX Cursor Adapter (/androidx/cursoradapter): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Android Support Library Custom View (/androidx/customview): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Documentfile (/androidx/documentfile): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Drawerlayout (/androidx/drawerlayout): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* AndroidX Fragment (/androidx/fragment): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Interpolator (/androidx/interpolator): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* androidx.legacy (/androidx/legacy): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Lifecycle (/androidx/lifecycle): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Loader (/androidx/loader): Utility, Apache-2.0
* AndroidX Local Broadcast Manager (/androidx/localbroadcastmanager): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Media (/androidx/media): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Print (/androidx/print): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Recyclerview (/androidx/recyclerview): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Android Activity Saved State (/androidx/savedstate): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Slidingpanelayout (/androidx/slidingpanelayout): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Swiperefreshlayout (/androidx/swiperefreshlayout): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Tracing (/androidx/tracing): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Transition (/androidx/transition): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Vectordrawable (/androidx/vectordrawable): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Android Jetpack VersionedParcelable (/androidx/versionedparcelable): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Viewpager (/androidx/viewpager): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* AndroidX Widget ViewPager2 (/androidx/viewpager2): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Webkit (/androidx/webkit): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Flutter Permission handler Plugin (/com/baseflow/permissionhandler): Utility, MIT
* Headlong (/com/esaulpaugh/headlong): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Google Material Design (/com/google/android/material): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Google Core Libraries for Java 6+ (/com/google/common): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Error Prone (/com/google/errorprone): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Google Gson (/com/google/gson): Utility, Apache-2.0
* J2ObjC (/com/google/j2objc): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Google Protocol Buffers (/com/google/protobuf): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* ZXing ('Zebra Crossing') (/com/google/zxing): Utility, Apache-2.0
* flutter_secure_storage (/com/it_nomads/fluttersecurestorage): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* keccak (/com/joemelsha/crypto/hash): Utility, Apache-2.0
* MiGBase64 (/com/migcomponents/migbase64): Utility, BSD-2-Clause
* File Picker (/com/mr/flutter/plugin/filepicker): UI Component, MIT
* esys_flutter_share (/de/esys/esysfluttershare): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Barcode Scanner (/de/mintware/barcode_scan): Utility, MIT
* Flutter (/io/flutter): Development Framework, BSD-3-Clause
* Flutter Android Lifecycle Plugin (/io/flutter/plugins/flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* local_auth (/io/flutter/plugins/localauth): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* PackageInfo (/io/flutter/plugins/packageinfo): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* path_provider (/io/flutter/plugins/pathprovider): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* Share plugin (/io/flutter/plugins/share): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* shared_preferences (/io/flutter/plugins/sharedpreferences): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* url_launcher (/io/flutter/plugins/urllauncher): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* WebView for Flutter (/io/flutter/plugins/webviewflutter): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* JavaX Annotation API (/javax/annotation): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* Kotlin (/kotlin): Utility, Apache-2.0
* barcodescanner (/me/dm7/barcodescanner): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Apache Commons (/org/apache/commons): Development Framework, Apache-2.0
* Bouncy Castle (/org/bouncycastle): Utility, MIT
* Checker Framework (/org/checkerframework): Utility, GPL-2.0-only
* Webkit Boundary Interfaces (/org/chromium/support_lib_boundary): Utility, BSD-3-Clause
* MojoHaus AnimalSniffer Maven Plugin (/org/codehaus/mojo/animal_sniffer): Utility, MIT
* IntelliJ IDEA (/org/intellij): Utility, Apache-2.0
No offending libs found.


It wasn't long ago that I had seen app manager show Google trackers

Commit when code was added: Appears to have been removed here:

Not sure if any other blockers for f droid? @IzzySoft

IzzySoft commented 2 years ago

Not sure if any other blockers for f droid?

Going by the results of my scanner I'd say it looks good. I'm no expert in license compatibility, though – you got quite a mix there of BSD2/3, MIT, Apache, GPL2. IIRC there was some issue of GPL2 having conflicts with Apache – but maybe that was using GPL2 libs in Apache apps or vice versa, so this possibly does not affect you as your app is covered by MIT.

davidbtc2009 commented 1 year ago

What is the status of either cake on fdroid or a cake repo?

trymeouteh commented 1 year ago

Any progress on an F-droid release?

seniorm0ment commented 1 year ago

Highly interested in an F-Droid release

ChristopherKing42 commented 1 year ago

We can close this on the official fdroid repo side for now. We will likely use our own repo.

Just my own two cents: I'd just prefer it be in the fdroid repo. Fdroid is a trusted brand in the open source community.

rizajur commented 1 year ago

great wallet please i need updates over f-droid :)

kowalabearhugs commented 1 year ago

Bumping this as I'd like to see the wallets, or even just wallet, on F-Droid. Either a Cake specific repo or the F-Droid repo would be good.

rizajur commented 1 year ago

Either a Cake specific repo or the F-Droid repo would be good.

No clue what you want to say with this. F-Droid Official repos are to slow and most projects just provide their own which can than be easily added into F-Droid. Providing customers with updates like cakepay and important security upgrades. Please consider it

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

Then go for reproducible builds and have the best of both: for enhanced trust people can install from F-Droid, and you can provide the faster updates when needed. Though F-Droid nowadays usually spits out updates almost daily, not once or twice a week as in the past (build infra was revamped).

javulticat commented 1 year ago

Sadly, more than 2 years have now passed since this issue was opened (and it has been over 3 years since this same request was initially made here, on the Monero sub on Reddit - the first of several such requests made on the Reddit over the years), and, from reading through this thread, it doesn't appear that much, if any, progress has been made on the Cake Wallet feature that has been the most requested feature by the community (per # of 👍 on all open Issues in this repo).

And, FWIW, I strongly agree with the community on this - for an Android app to exist within the Monero ecosystem (an ecosystem fundamentally based on privacy), having an easy/automatic installation/update path other than via the Google (a company that essentially represents the antithesis of privacy) Play Store is really basic table stakes for an app to any privacy-minded Android user, and, IMHO, should be the most highly prioritized feature to work on (other than P0 issues, of course, like patching an urgent security vulnerability, if one were to be discovered).

At the time of this comment (May 2023), most other significant Android wallets/apps in the Monero ecosystem are available on F-Droid (Monerujo, Stack Wallet, Shruum, Mysu, WooKey Wallet, AgoraDesk, LocalMonero, etc., etc.). Many of them have been available on F-Droid for years by now (and some have even ensured availability on F-Droid since Day 1 - starting from their very first release). At this point, it genuinely seems to be easier to find Android apps in the Monero ecosystem that are available on F-Droid than ones that still are not, as the Monero development community, by and large, seems to understand the fundamental importance and privacy implications of ensuring that Android apps in the Monero ecosystem are available via F-Droid, and they have prioritized accordingly.

Cake Wallet is now one of the few remaining significant apps in Monero ecosystem that doesn't have its Android app releases available via F-Droid. And, given Cake Wallet's popularity, it sticks out like a sore thumb in this regard.

Fortunately, Cake Wallet is a FOSS project, so perhaps the community itself can help to finally make its top request for Cake Wallet a reality after years of it languishing on the back burner. If I have understood the responses by Cake Wallet maintainers in this thread correctly, is the main blocker here that the maintainers themselves don't have enough time to do the work which would allow Cake Wallet releases to be made available on F-Droid (which is perhaps exacerbated by the fact that the maintainers may not fully understand or agree with just how truly critical F-Droid availability for Android apps is considered to be by the Monero/privacy communities, and, thus, other work continues to get prioritized ahead of it)?

Whatever the reason(s) may be, given that F-Droid availability for Android apps in the Monero ecosystem is truly of the highest importance to the community, I know I'd be willing (and perhaps other devs in the Monero and/or F-Droid communities would be as well) to help work on whatever needs to be done to make release availability on F-Droid become a reality for Cake Wallet.

Since it appears to have been nearly a year since a Cake Wallet maintainer has commented on this thread, if a maintainer (and/or perhaps @IzzySoft) could update the community and let us know what issues currently remain that are preventing the availability of Cake Wallet releases on F-Droid, then perhaps the community will be able to begin to assist with resolving those issues.

Then, hopefully, Cake Wallet will finally become a legitimate option as a Monero wallet for a whole new base of privacy-minded Android users who refuse to install apps (especially apps having to anything to do with finances/crypto) through the Google Play Store (and, I imagine, are a group that is highly likely to prefer Monero as their cryptocurrency of choice).

Thanks for reading my diatribe - I look forward to hearing how I can help!

SamsungGalaxyPlayer commented 1 year ago

It's a matter of time. @tannerdsilva will add a F-Droid repo when he has the chance. Currently, he is working on other tasks.