cakebake / markdown-themeable-pdf

ARCHIVED. NOT MAINTAINED. Themeable Markdown Converter (Print to PDF, HTML, JPEG or PNG)
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Apparently header/footer is not rendered when exported to HTMl #68

Closed ovizii closed 7 years ago

ovizii commented 7 years ago

which makes it really hard to customize my header and footer.

To give you an example: I manually inserted a table into my footer with 3 columns and it would be so much easier to style if I could export it to html then open it in a browser and analyse the source code.

Could this be made possible?

cakebake commented 7 years ago

You could change package settings to your needs.

bildschirmfoto vom 2017-04-09 21-22-07

mdrx-io commented 7 years ago

@cakebake even when changing the package settings to export as HTML, the resulting HTML file does not include the header element(s). Were you suggesting to modify the package to add a setting for this?