cakebake / node-red-contrib-alexa-remote-cakebaked

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Old problem: Alexa won't speak after some time #27

Open ammawel opened 3 years ago

ammawel commented 3 years ago

Hello, I still have an old and so far unsolved problem: after some time Alexa's voice output does not work anymore, other functions are not affected. The auth method is proxy, a file path is set for the cookie, the cookie is saved and read. The permissions are all fine as well. For refresh, service host, language and user agent I tried different settings. I also tried a regular refresh via an inject-node. Nothing works permanently, after about 24 hours the speech output does not work anymore. All described solutions are not real solutions, they either try to detect the error and then re-initialize or they repeat the initialization in short time intervals, so that the error is as unnoticeable as possible. Currently I also use a detection of the error in the flow and then perform a new initialization. But this is not a solution, especially since the module from Apollon works perfectly in iobroker and FHEM with a similar solution also does not have these problems. Something in the init- and refresh-code of 586837r is responsible for the failure after 24 hours.

Thanks for any help, Achim

here are some links about this bug:

Alexa forgets how to talk After some time Listening works but texttospeech not any more Speak and other commands stop working after a few hours Alexa wont speak Alexa Remote2 stops talking

rPraml commented 3 years ago

I have the same problem.

I did not yet investigate time to debug. I notice after a few day, that "speak" does not work. To fix it, I mostly change the cookie refresh interval and hit redeploy. Maybe a restart would also be sufficient. I do NOT need to re-enter the credentials.

bbindreiter commented 2 years ago

Make a time trigger and re-initialize every couple of hours. I do this every hour and have no (known) issues for quite a while.


bbindreiter commented 2 years ago

Forgot to add that I have the same settings as you @rPraml. Refresh is set to 3 days. Auto-Init and Events are on as well.

Try the re-initialize. I'll do the job.

alexruffell commented 2 years ago

@bbindreiter I have the same issue and have implemented the same sequence in node red as shown above.


Even with a daily re-initialisation, it keeps failing. I am not sure how frequently but it feels a bit more than 24hrs. Anyhow today I noticed there are several options in the node. I think I had Initialise selected... should I be using something else? Why has the other method where the account is defined stopped working?


Could this issue be tied to 2FA or some security setting on forcing logins to expire?

bbindreiter commented 2 years ago

@alexruffell I've got the same setup, running a complete Initialize every hour.

I added this a year ago because sometimes the Speak command didn't work anymore. I understand that you guys tell me that this works fine but the listening for events does not. That works for me however fine as well, probably because of the hourly re-initialize.

To mitigate the issue until there's a library update (or I can identify the problem in applestrudel) you could try to initialize more often.

noumenon272 commented 2 years ago

I’m having this same issue with a US account. autoinit works, but text to speech doesn’t after about 24-48 hours. I just it up to manually initialize every day and will see if that makes any difference.

alexruffell commented 2 years ago

I was initializing it daily at 6am and it still stopped working every few days. Not sure how regular though. As of yesterday, I started initializing every 4hrs during the day starting at 6am and ending at midnight. We'll see if that helps.

Jacksonbm1 commented 1 year ago

Hey, I just stumbled across this. Are you using at tilde (~) in the file path? That'll break it. See:

WritesWithBadCode commented 5 months ago

Timeout for me was 1hr so I reinitiatlize every 55 minutes.