cakephp / authentication

Authentication plugin for CakePHP. Can also be used in PSR7 based applications.
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move wiki version table to readme #658

Closed LordSimal closed 6 months ago

LordSimal commented 6 months ago

I added it to the 3.x branch because its our current default branch

dereuromark commented 6 months ago

This is quite the opposite of what should be done As keeping this in sync across Branches is annoying

Why not just adding a link to the table as we so far did in other repos?

LordSimal commented 6 months ago

As keeping this in sync across Branches is annoying

why should we need to keep this table in sync with other branches? I'd say lets just start putting it in the current default branch and just add to it in future branches.

Otherwise I am also fine if we just put that version table in the generated docs even though that results in the same version based tables.

In the end I just want to get rid of the github wiki if its not used for anything really usefull.

dereuromark commented 6 months ago

It is used for this very useful part IMO :) As otherwise the older branches would always be lying, as in: they dont contain the table, but only the historical part of it.

version maps by design should be on a different dimension than normal docs and other things only relevant to each "version line"