An invalid database configuration can sometimes result in a failure to connect to the SQLite database without an error. As no error is caught by CakePhP, PhP itself throws a fatal error on line 221 as no $connection object exists. This bug fix forces the _execute() function to check that the database is in fact connected - if not, CakePhP gracefully throws a helpful error message to the user.
Created by Daniel, 26th Mar 2012. (originally Lighthouse ticket #33):
An invalid database configuration can sometimes result in a failure to connect to the SQLite database without an error. As no error is caught by CakePhP, PhP itself throws a fatal error on line 221 as no $connection object exists. This bug fix forces the _execute() function to check that the database is in fact connected - if not, CakePhP gracefully throws a helpful error message to the user.
Reported here:, here:, and here:
To reproduce: set $config['connect'] to an invalid value.
I have submitted a bugfix here:
All the best,