cakephp / localized

I18n and L10n related CakePHP code
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Polish 14-digit REGON #137

Closed mik-laj closed 6 years ago

mik-laj commented 8 years ago


Currently, In a repo have a function regon, but this function only checks numbers that consist of 9 digits. In special cases, a government agency may assign 14 digit number. Example: 96998880588057

I think that should be a function that checks the second case.

More: I would like to emphatize sentence:

Ponieważ jeden ze współczynników wagowych wynosi zero to weryfikacja „długiego” REGON-u wymaga weryfikacji 9 cyfr z wagami jak dla 9-cyfrowego numeru, a następnie weryfikacji długiego REGON-u z innymi wagami.

because not every project checks this condition (ex. )

Thanks in advance.

mik-laj commented 8 years ago

Good code:

dereuromark commented 8 years ago

Can you maybe provide a pull request with your suggested changes? Or a diff or code piece how it should look like?