cakephp / localized

I18n and L10n related CakePHP code
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The plugin class `Cake\Localized\Plugin` cannot be found. #188

Closed AjrAli closed 4 years ago

AjrAli commented 6 years ago


im trying to use this plugin for checking phone number on my web site but i have some problems as u see in the title i got error "The plugin class Cake\Localized\Plugin cannot be found." but i followed the instructions like it should be but i can't find any solutions for this i use Cakephp 3.6, the latest version of cakephp also when i load the plugin by command line it write in Application.php at the function bootstrap this line $this->addPlugin('Cake/Localized'); but the plugin is located in vendors folder not anymore in plugin folder so i don't know if the instructions should be updated as i see in others website there are some difference with how to add a plugin in cakephp, i don't know if i was clear cuz i have a bad level in english sorry but i would be really happy if u can give me some tips about how to fix this error.

saeideng commented 6 years ago

hi sorry for this problem you can for now use Plugin::load('Cake/Localized') in your boostrap.php

or wait for CakePHP 3.6.6 problem resolved on master can you confirm it with bellow config in composer.json ?

"require": {
        "cakephp/cakephp": "dev-master"

( note : use dev-master just for testing )

AjrAli commented 6 years ago

for the composer.json i have this config

"require": {
    "php": ">=5.6",
    "cakephp/cakephp": "3.6.*",
    "cakephp/localized": "^3.5",
    "cakephp/migrations": "^1.8.0",
    "cakephp/plugin-installer": "^1.0",
    "josegonzalez/dotenv": "3.*",
    "mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib": "2.*"

but now i got a new error cuz the class BeValidation (im from Belgium) is not fully finished here the function phone that i use for check phone number.

class BeValidation extends LocalizedValidation
     * Checks a postal code for Belgium.
     * @param string $check The value to check.
     * @return bool Success.
    public static function postal($check)
        $pattern = '/^[1-9]{1}[0-9]{3}$/';

        return (bool)preg_match($pattern, $check);

     * Checks a phone number.
     * @param string $check The value to check.
     * @throws NotImplementedException Exception
     * @return bool Success.
    public static function phone($check)
        throw new NotImplementedException(__d('localized', '%s Not implemented yet.'));

     * Checks a country specific identification number.
     * @param string $check The value to check.
     * @return bool Success.
    public static function personId($check)
        throw new NotImplementedException(__d('localized', '%s Not implemented yet.'));

as u see the function is not finished yet, but a big thanks for ur help i could advance more with ur help

saeideng commented 4 years ago

your first issue should fixed until now you can open new Issue for validation