cakephp / localized

I18n and L10n related CakePHP code
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Some translations are missing for Cakephp 5.x #254

Closed infoliv closed 4 months ago

infoliv commented 5 months ago

I've copied resources/locales/fr_FR/cake.po of this plugin in my app folder in order to translate messages of cake core (as I did for previous version 4.x).

But unlike version 4.x where everything seemed to be translated, it seems that for version 5.x some translations are missing.

For example : email validation message "the provided value must be an e-mail address" stays in english.

Aren't .po files out of date ?

dereuromark commented 5 months ago

Do you want to make a PR with the missing ones?

infoliv commented 4 months ago

I updated cake.pot for CakePHP 5.x in #257

dereuromark commented 4 months ago