cakephp / phinx

PHP Database Migrations for Everyone
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--dry-run is not fully working #1415

Open orderbynull opened 6 years ago

orderbynull commented 6 years ago

Running phinx migrate --dry-run will execute queries if they're written via queryBuilder. For example here's code from docs:

$builder = $this->getQueryBuilder();
->set('fname', 'Snow')
->where(['fname' => 'Jon'])

So phinx migrate --dry-run will not work with that code.

lorenzo commented 6 years ago

No, it will not. I think they should be added to the docs. For many reasons it is not easy and some times not doable to implement this for raw queries.

Would you like to add this to the docs yourself?

orderbynull commented 6 years ago

@lorenzo Yep, i'll make PR

lorenzo commented 6 years ago


ghost commented 6 years ago

Would this mean that --dry-run would also work for seeds?

falkenhawk commented 6 years ago

Is it only that dry-run won't work now for queries created with QueryBuilder or maybe other ones as well? (e.g. create table, insert data, batch insert?)

falkenhawk commented 6 years ago

It looks like the new querybuilder part was implemented to use CakePHP\Database (and maybe other parts have been migrated to it as well?) but other parts are still using Phinx\Db. So currently two db adapters are used concurrently, whereas only Phinx\Db can handle dry-run and CakePHP\Database does not have this option implemented at all. @lorenzo I suppose the plan for Phinx is to migrate fully to CakePHP\Database but does it mean ditching dry-run option completely or is it planned to implement this option in CakePHP\Database at some point?

lorenzo commented 6 years ago

There are no plans to ditch --dry-run, everything but the queries executed by the QueryBuilder understand this flag. I'm hesitant of implementing this for QueryBuilder (at least for SELECT queries) since the results may be used later. It could be added to the other type of queries, though.

Maybe that is something you want to help with?

falkenhawk commented 6 years ago

Yes I'd love to. I am reading into CakePHP\Database classes to see where I might wire the dry-run option

falkenhawk commented 6 years ago

Okay, so I tried first with setting the 'log' => $this->isDryRunEnabled(), option in getDecoratedConnection() method, which would then wrap statements with LoggingStatement which should then try to use QueryLogger, and eventually Log::write('debug', $query, ['queriesLog']); (had to composer require cakephp/log to make it not throw a PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Cake\Log\Log' not found).

But... nothing has been logged anywhere. Okay, so the logger needs writers to be configured. It'd need a console output writer to make it look kind of the same to the other queries when dry-run option is enabled...... but it seems to be configured globally as the logger is accessed statically.... ??? I don't like that so I guess using the sorts-of "built-in" database logger is eventually not an option.

lorenzo commented 6 years ago

We can write our own DatabaseLogger, no need to use the one from cakephp, the logger could get the output object from the symphony console component and simply output the stuff. Does that sound right to you?

vlad-datacat commented 5 years ago

+1 For this. Query Builder has to be able to output raw SQL that interprets and sends to server. We've had a major problem where something got interpreted in an unintended way and entire database of suppliers got updated instead of a few intended records. Showing what was the interpreted SQL to be sent to server would have helped at code review stage. The issue we had was someone writing ->where(['id >', 1]) instead of ->where(['id >' => 1]) - that quietly passed for WHERE id SQL dropping the second bit, no error, and entire table updated. We need to see whats been run against the server.

lorenzo commented 5 years ago

@borisnetweb Do you want to see what queries are being executed or do you want to dump the SQL without executing it? The problem with not executing queries in the query builder is that most likely you are using the query builder to get results, and you will get none or an error. That does not seem very helpful.

I agree that being able to log the queries done by the query builder is important. Does that not work with the verbose output? (cannot remember if it does right now)

vlad-datacat commented 5 years ago

@lorenzo ideally both - view sql and execute it. we run as part of bitbucket pipelines so this way we will see and have a record of what happened. at this stage verbose does nothing for query builder.

falkenhawk commented 5 years ago

it should not execute anything on dry-run (by default), but if possible the execution could be configurable e.g. turn on for select queries... 🙈

lorenzo commented 5 years ago

That's another good suggestion, to only make destructive queries part of the dry-run, and actually run the selects.

lorenzo commented 5 years ago

Is anyone interested in implementing the feature? I can guide anyone who's up for it. I currently don't have the time to do it myself.

vlad-datacat commented 5 years ago

@lorenzo I am keen to contribute for QueryBuilder part. I have plenty of Laravel & other php experience, none with cakephp whatsoever - should be a perfect fit :) Looks like we are in very different timezones - I am in Brisbane Australia.

bubach commented 4 years ago

Kludge-solutions Inc.

     * Execute queries build using the CakePHP QueryBuilder but respect Phinx --dry-run option
     * @param  Query $queryBuilder
    public function executeFromQueryBuilder(Query $queryBuilder)
        $sql = $queryBuilder->sql();
        $bindings = $queryBuilder->getValueBinder()->bindings();

        if ($this->getInput()->getOption('dry-run')) {
            if (!empty($bindings)) {
                $values = array_column($bindings, 'value');

                foreach ($values as &$value) {
                    $value = is_string($value) ? "'" . $value . "'" : $value;

                $sql = str_replace(array_keys($bindings), $values, $sql);

        } else {
dereuromark commented 4 years ago

Someone wants to make a PR?