caktus / django-project-template

Django project template for startproject (Requires 2.2+)
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make sure salt-minion gets installed properly #181

Closed copelco closed 9 years ago

copelco commented 9 years ago

fab setup_minon never runs the script to fully install the salt-minion. This is due to setup_master actually installing the /usr/bin/salt-minion script, even though it passes the -N flag to the bootstrap script (supposedly this doesn't install salt-minon). fab install_salt, when run via fab salt_minion, uses salt-minion --version to decide whether or not to install, which returns a version because it's already installed by the time you're attempting to install salt-minion.

I'm not sure my proposed change is the best solution, but it worked for me today. I find it odd that salt-minion gets installed when you tell it not to, but maybe I don't fully understand the bootstrap script.

copelco commented 9 years ago

Another option would be to just install the minion when the master is installed here:

install_salt(master=True, minion=True, restart=True, version=SALT_VERSION)
mlavin commented 9 years ago

Handled in #184.