cal-itp / benefits

Transit benefits enrollment, minus the paperwork.
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Add docs page describing the Copy Style Guide #1653

Closed thekaveman closed 9 months ago

thekaveman commented 1 year ago

E.g. to capture best practices and decisions around:

Acceptance Criteria

machikoyasuda commented 1 year ago

Some suggested topics:

machikoyasuda commented 1 year ago

Existing Cal-ITP-wide docs, not necessarily Benefits app-specific:

Prior discussions #987

machikoyasuda commented 1 year ago

More info here

machikoyasuda commented 1 year ago

Spanish: Formal/usted tense for all copy

machikoyasuda commented 10 months ago

Document styles around numbers and numerals (fifty percent, 50%, 3-digit, three-digit, card with five digits) etc.

machikoyasuda commented 9 months ago
Use English Spanish Do not use Usage
agency card agency card tarjeta de agencia Agency Card (don't capitalize both words)  
benefit option benefit option opción de beneficio    
Cal-ITP California Integrated Travel Project California Integrated Travel Project (Proyecto Integrado de Viaje de California, o Cal-ITP por sus siglas en inglés)    
Cal-ITP Benefits Cal-ITP Benefits Cal-ITP Benefits Do not translate Cal-ITP Benefits  
California Department of Transportation California Department of Transportation Departamento de Transporte de California    
California Department of Technology California Department of Technology Departamento de Tecnología de California    
connects connects conecta    
contactless card contactless card tarjeta sin contacto payment card, cashless, tap-to-pay, touchless  
enroll enroll inscribirse apply  
enrollment process enrollment process proceso de inscripción    
GitHub GitHub GitHub Github  
Littlepay Littlepay Littlepay LittlePay  
Older Adult Older Adult adultos mayores Senior  
public transportation public transportation transporte público    
reduced fare reduced fare tarifa reducida discounted  
Social Security number Social Security number número de Seguro Social social security number  
state-issued ID card state-issued ID card tarjeta de identificación emitida por el estado Driver's license  
tap to ride tap to ride toque para viajar    
transit agency transit agency agencia de tránsito bus agency, light rail agency, transit authority Refer to Language Matters: Cal-ITP Terminology
transit benefit transit benefit beneficio de tránsito discount, fare discounts, reduced-fare "Older adult transit benefit", "Veteran transit benefit"
transit provider transit provider proveedor de transporte    
US Veteran US Veteran Veterano de EE. UU. U.S. Veteran, US veteran This currently goes against Cal-ITP Editorial Style Guide
verify verify verifique    
machikoyasuda commented 9 months ago
  Rule Examples  
Capitalization Always sentence-case body text, headlines, questions on Help page. Do not use punctuation. Unable to confirm eligibility | Cal-ITP Benefits  
  In English, names of pages are capitalized. Return Home Previous Page
  In Spanish, names of pages are not capitalized. Volver al inicio Página anterior
  Refer to Cal-ITP Editorial Style Guide    
Images, illustrations Always write an alt tag, unless Design determines the visual is purely decorative and has no substantive meaning.    
Links Never link to "here". Use a descriptive title for the page.    
Tense For Spanish, use usted/formal case for all copy.    
Numbers Refer to Cal-ITP Editorial Style Guide    
Spacing Refer to Cal-ITP Editorial Style Guide    
Punctuation Refer to Cal-ITP Editorial Style Guide