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Research Request - Portfolio Beautification. #1141

Closed amandaha8 closed 1 month ago

amandaha8 commented 5 months ago

Research Question

Single sentence description: Add styling (Caltrans logos, Caltrans official colors, create a style guide, etc) to the README.MD areas of each section of If possible, we could also try to edit the that links to all the individual sites.

How will this research be used?

As part of the Summer Refactor 2024 #1122, we would like to make our portfolios more visually cohesive and sleek.

Stakeholders & End-User

People who view our portfolios will understand this is part of Caltrans's efforts.

Timeline of deliverables

Estimated completion date: June 18-July 26.

edasmalchi commented 5 months ago
amandaha8 commented 5 months ago


  1. Wait on the Index Page We can probably due simple tweaks ourselves. Status as of 7/1: Jarvus will assist.

  2. Make the portfolio sites load faster. This is probably a data engineering task.

  3. Be able to switch color scales, but this is specific for speedmaps since that uses custom stuff. (AH: haven't started on this yet)


  1. For all the websites on that are still in use, the should be updated in accordance to the new template.


  1. -Create a template that people can use to standardize the amount of information. (AH: First draft with a PR open 6/25). -Need certain titles. -Have a research question/intent up top. -Describe who we are, basically who made all of this stuff and why it's great. -Allow flexibility. -Add the appropriate logos.

  2. Styling -Edit the guide for broken links/clarity on decimal precision and writing, but leave the content as is otherwise. -No need for a function that everybody needs to use.

  3. Add language that addresses color blind friendly palettes to the styleguide section of the docs. (AH: Done)

KatrinaMKaiser commented 1 month ago

Still have yet to edit the front page - we can't do this on our own and will need support.