Epic Information - Statewide Transit Priority Data
We have a lot of data about transit provision and performance, but only limited insights into the location and type of transit priority infrastructure deployed across California.
Research required:
Where are the various kinds of transit priority measures (bus lanes, queue jumps, transit signal priority, etc...) on California's transportation system (not just Caltrans' State Highway System)?
Which projects implemented those transit priority measures, and when did that implementation occur? (optional: how were those projects planned? Which entities sponsored them?)
Which transit operators/GTFS feeds are associated with each transit priority project?
How can we structure and store this data to support internal and external research, including potential open data publication?
Which other efforts (agency ID, etc) should this dataset integrate with? Can it use some sort of shared project_id?
Notes, misc:
Our transit speed/delay datasets provide powerful analysis showing the need for transit priority, having this dataset would help us more accurately estimate improvements for potential projects (#889).
Will also help researchers understand if certain transit priority treatments are more effective in certain contexts, or alternatively how expected improvements from the same transit priority treatment vary across contexts (some of which may be captured in #955).
If an intervention was deployed in the last couple years (within our GTFS-RT archive period), it should be possible to do before/after evaluation.
Possible 2-table data schema (for discussion/guidance, alternatives welcome)
Look at all projects in the state, we expect vast majority of projects to take place before we started collecting, but we still want to know where transit priority projects are
For more recent ones, we can do pre/post comparison
Valuable to compare streets with projects vs streets without projects
Plan of action: find out categories of transit priority projects, how to distinguish between different types (how to code it in the data), comb through reports, etc to see where it's taking place
Epic Information - Statewide Transit Priority Data
We have a lot of data about transit provision and performance, but only limited insights into the location and type of transit priority infrastructure deployed across California.
Research required:
Notes, misc:
Our transit speed/delay datasets provide powerful analysis showing the need for transit priority, having this dataset would help us more accurately estimate improvements for potential projects (#889).
Will also help researchers understand if certain transit priority treatments are more effective in certain contexts, or alternatively how expected improvements from the same transit priority treatment vary across contexts (some of which may be captured in #955).
If an intervention was deployed in the last couple years (within our GTFS-RT archive period), it should be possible to do before/after evaluation.
Possible 2-table data schema (for discussion/guidance, alternatives welcome)
project_id, intervention_type, is_full_time, start_time, end_time, includes_weekends, geometry
(projects with multiple interventions, like a bus lane and transit signal priority, would have multiple rows…
project_id, agency_id, plan_start_date, cons_start_date, opening_date, project_cost, organization_source_record_id, etc…
Reviewers [Stakeholders]
@edasmalchi @julianofhernandez @tiffanychu90