calabash / calabash-ios

Calabash for iOS
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XCode 12.3 no longer compatible - Cannot connect to Device Agent #1431

Open CosminTango opened 3 years ago

CosminTango commented 3 years ago

Hello, guys. I am sure you have had this error in the past so many times...

Could not connect to the DeviceAgent service.

      device: #<Simulator: iPhone X (11.4) FA70A6AF-AA8B-4A82-B8BB-AAAD71A9FFC2 x86_64>

      To diagnose the problem tail the launcher log file:

      $ tail -1000 -F /Users/me/.calabash/iOSDeviceManager/logs/current.log

Unfortunately I am unable to view the log file, apparently it does not exist. This is critical for me because I am unable to run the tests. I am already stuck on Ruby version 2.3.7. run_loop is at 4.5.3. calabash-cucumber is at 0.2.10. The SDK is 11.4.

Is there, please, anyone that can help me further with this?