calabash / calabash-ios

Calabash for iOS
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Touch seems off target in landscape orientation #1449

Open raamojirao opened 2 years ago

raamojirao commented 2 years ago

Touch seems off target in landscape orientation. It works perfectly fine on portrait mode. Looks like touch is not using right co-ordinates to tap on the element in landscape mode. I am seeing this on real iOS device.

iPad - OS version 14.8 and 15.3 run_loop - 4.7.0 calabash-cucumber - 0.23.4

axsha commented 2 years ago

We encountered similar problems with our landscape oriented iPad app on simulator and device environments. When using coordinate based operations (DragCoordinates) the tests are failing since updating development environment to Xcode 13. We are using calabash-ios-server 0.23.1.