calabash / calabash-ios

Calabash for iOS
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calabash-ios setup with additional command-line parameters #314

Open sabrosimov opened 10 years ago

sabrosimov commented 10 years ago

Hi guys,

I need to use the calabash-ios setup tool from command line in our CI process. But unfortunately, this tool ask some questions. Is it possible to enhance interface of this tool to pass the answer as command-line arguments? For example:

calabash-ios setup --latest y --target Application --name Application-test
    latest: to re-install the latest calabash.framework or not
    target: name of target to duplicate
    name: name of new target

Is it possible to specify custom name of new target (not default is Application-cal)?

jmoody commented 10 years ago

blocked until we can get the under Xamarin control.

wrong place for that comment.

this is can only be done by @krukow

jmoody commented 10 years ago


I think this would be a great addition. Any chance you want to take a crack at changing the calabash-ios setup command?

If you can do the ruby side, I will try to update the script.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Hello All, Plus one on this. Will this be added anytime soon ?

sreeramthinkal commented 9 years ago

Hi Josha/Krukow,

Could you please help add this enhancement in any of the planned upcoming releases? This definitely would be an awesome feature to have. Thanks for your continuous support.

-Sree Ram

ark-konopacki commented 9 years ago

@jmoody that should be done from ruby side? or that issue already fixed? do you mean update in bin/calabash-ios-setup.rb for supporting additional parameters?

jmoody commented 9 years ago


The existing setup procedure needs a rewrite.

We have been experimenting with the xcodeproj gem from the CocoaPods group.

We are think about not creating a separate target, but instead creating a Calabash Xcode build configuration based off the Debug configuration.

We'll definitely have something in Calabash 2.0. For the 0.x branch, I am able to justify spending time on fixing this.

Pull-requests are, of course, welcome. There is no way to update the existing setup script; it is an opaque binary with a dark past that is best forgotten.

jedi4ever commented 8 years ago

I found this approach of using the cococapod calabash the easiest

something like the following to install calabash only on a condition

# set the environment variable WE_WANT_CALABASH to configure calabash for staging build
  pod 'Calabash', :configurations => ['Release - Staging']
ark-konopacki commented 8 years ago

@jmoody Maybe we can close calabash-ios setup related bugs since all CI automation/ framework setup can be done via CocoaPods?

jmoody commented 8 years ago

We don't want to force or recommend users to adopt CocoaPods.

CocoaPods is a dependency and we don't want to recommend to users that they should or must introduce yet-another-dependency.

ark-konopacki commented 8 years ago

@jmoody thanks for explanations now i understand ;) if you can specify requirements I can update ruby part in calabash-cucumber/bin/calabash-ios-setup.rb

now I see two issues:

Is it possible to enhance interface of this tool to pass the answer as command-line arguments?

We are think about not creating a separate target, but instead creating a Calabash > Xcode build configuration based off the Debug configuration.

Maybe it good time to write something completely new since:

There is no way to update the existing setup script; it is an opaque binary with a dark past that is best forgotten.

yageek commented 8 years ago

Just one small tip if you want to specify the target within the XCode project :

echo MyTarget | calabash-ios setup