calabash / run_loop

The bridge between Calabash iOS and Xcode command-line tools like instruments and simctl.
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Xcode 12 - Resetting app on simulator takes very long time #759

Open tkohout opened 3 years ago

tkohout commented 3 years ago

I am trying the run loop with calabash-ios on the new Xcode 12. I am following the setup described in with the WIP branch: gem "run_loop", github: "calabash/run_loop", branch: "xcode_14_support"

My test suite currently depends on the calabash option RESET_BETWEEN_SCENARIOS=1.

But currently running this on my Mac with iOS 14 simulator it takes about 2 minutes to reset the app after each test. After 2 minutes the state of the app is actually reset. I suspect there is something timeouting after 120 seconds. If I set the RESET_BETWEEN_SCENARIOS=0 it runs smoothly, but the state is obviously not reset.