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Kick false flags due to script host #19

Closed Decuwu closed 1 month ago

Decuwu commented 1 month ago

Bug Description: After kicking someone who attacked you with script host, every person to get script host after will flag as trying to kick you.

How to replicate: I had a friend use smart kick against me which gave them script host, after kicking them (as host), script host went to someone else and flagged as them trying to kick me


Sainan commented 1 month ago

Your details don't quite add up. N6 would be rope crash, and if the person who sent this to you was innocent, then they should've crashed due to having had the rope synched to them.

Decuwu commented 1 month ago

i can create another video of doing it from beginning to end but im not sure how to upload it when github only allows 10mb max uploads. i'll see what i can do!

Decuwu commented 1 month ago

I start with asking .Emilia to use Smart Kick on me, she gets script host through using it and i love letter kick her, then the script host switches to a new player and they get flagged for Kick Events.

I didn't realise that the 1st video i sent displayed a crash event, that doesn't now as im recreating it, only kick events.

I'm not sure if you need to be host for this to start false flagging but each time i've seen it i've been host.

Sainan commented 1 month ago

Do you have a log of this "Kick Event"? I'm not aware of any instance where we don't also specify a codename (like N6) to clarify what exactly the event is about.

Decuwu commented 1 month ago

i dont believe im logging kicks by default, i can enable it and get back to you with the logs

Decuwu commented 1 month ago

[06/06/2024 14:42:19] Kick Event from -Fr4g-


unless there are other logs, log.txt and the console both only show this

Sainan commented 1 month ago

Might be fixed in the next update.