calasanmarko / TurboMac

Stops CPU throttling on Intel-based Macs
GNU General Public License v3.0
56 stars 7 forks source link

Bluetooth and USB ports broken #11

Open Djoko-cli opened 1 year ago

Djoko-cli commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

Here's the backgound specs of my computer :

So first of all I really want to thank you a lot, I was really happy to see this working and gets the full performance of my Mac back. Really unbelievable ! For years now, I was really desperate with my 0.8Ghz CPU clock speed until finding this.

So here's the issue : after the installation and very long reboot I've noticed that I wasn't able to enable Bluetooth and each four USB port of my computer didn't allow me to use external drives (both USB and Thunderbolt drives). They were were correctly detected in System Information but not in Disk Utility so they became unmountable.

I told to my self ok maybe the latest Ventura update 13.0.1 that was standing by in the System Preferences will helps but macOS decided to not offer it anymore (maybe because of SIP disabled?)

As told, I decided to end-up the guide by enabling back SIP in RecoveryOS by running csrutil enable --without kext. I had hope this to finally solve the issues but after running it the Mac started to fall into a boot loop because of a repetitive crash and wasn't able to boot anymore.

Back to SIP disabled, my Mac allowed me to boot but I didn't have any other options than uninstalling this beautiful and promissing piece of software to get functionals I/O back. After rebooting everythings seems to be back to normal, even the throttle except that I cannot enable back SIP and be able to update macOS.

Do you know what the hell could have gone wrong ? This is so promising !

Thank you, Majid

calasanmarko commented 1 year ago


Sorry you're runnning into issues. I've found that Mac SMCs can behave quite weirdly, and I've actually run into your exact issue during development of this extension.

What worked for me was resetting the SMC -

If this doesn't work, then uninstall the TurboMac extension, and then reset the NVRAM -

Let me know if this works, Marko

Djoko-cli commented 1 year ago


Thanks for your answer,

I tried both solutions and unfortunately I'm still not able to show available macOS updates. I think it's linked to SIP's authenticated-root that still need to be disable to be able boot even with TurboMac uninstalled from now on

However, I don't know if it's helping but I've noticed two things with TurboMac behavior:

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