calblueprint / revolv

Revolving crowdfunding Django application for RE-volv, a San Francisco based solar energy nonprofit organization. This project has launched: see
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Accounting Page on Admin Dash #32

Open vivekraghuram opened 10 years ago

vivekraghuram commented 10 years ago

Re-volv needs to know where money is flowing. This page will essentially show them the relevant cash flow. This would go on the admin dashboard and help them figure out how much money is going through the application and where it should go.

I imagine it would look something like this:

RE-VOLV APPLICATION CASH FLOW MARCH 2014 _Cash In_ Donations:  Project 3:   Payment Service Fees: $30   Retained Donations: $970   Total: $1000 Returns on Investments:  Project 1:   Earnings for RE-volv: $7   Retained ROI: $93   Total: $100

_Cash Out_ Investment:  Project 2:   Total: $400

Change in Cash Position: $663 Initial Cash Position: $300 Final Cash Position: $993

sameerav commented 9 years ago

notes: -the start and end date selection things will be calendar widgets -each of the rows/section in the statement of cash flows will be collapsible (so admin doesn't get overloaded by information) -"all projects" is an option for "select project" (to look at all the aggregated data) -i asked vivek what "payment service fees" are but he hasnt replied yet, so will correctly accordingly -the circles at the bottom of the page are intended to be pie charts -i ask the admin for a start date and an end date, so the data portrayed will be across a time range - if admin wants to look at just one month, they can just make the start and end date the same month (i thought this would better allow admin to compare across time periods) -the "add expense" button on the top right will direct the admin to a form that allows them to add in new expenses (for salaries, re-volv operational costs, etc.)

  1. I thought the donations and the breakdown of cash in/cash out pie charts were the two most important things to portray visually, but what else would be important?
  2. Thoughts on the time range idea?

Here's a mock: accounting-page-mock

Thoughts and feedback @noahsark769 ?

noahsark769 commented 9 years ago
  1. I think the "investments" tab in Cash Out should actually be called "Reinvestments" because it can easily be confused with donations, at least in my mind.
  2. This is related to Vivek's outline, but shouldn't Payment service fees be subtracted from the total Cash In, not added?
  3. I like the bar graph! You can use d3 to generate that I think. As for the pie charts, I don't really think they're super necessary: more often than not, cash in and cash out will be almost 50/50 anyway, since money earned back will get reinvested.
  4. I'm beginning to think that Cash in/Cash out might not be the best way to represent this? What if instead of the in/out division, we had Reinvestments for a project in the same place as donations, but we made all cash inflow green and all cash outflow red - thus, a repayment would be represented as a green value under Project 1, but then a reinvestment from Project 1 -> 2 would be represented as a red value under 1 and a green value under 2.
  5. Is the Add Expense button per month? Or is that form separate? It doesn't make sense to me to be adding an expense for a range of months...or maybe it should, not sure.
  6. I think the time range idea is great!
  7. I think that probably the buttons should be right under the title instead of off to the side: when they're all the way on the right, I think they seem a bit disconnected, so at least the dates I think should be right under the title, close to the data. Possibly you could keep the Add Expense button at the right side though!
  8. For the select boxes, it might be good to use chosen like we have on the project edit page for categories. Just one suggestion though, if you're not a fan you can totally use something else!
noahsark769 commented 9 years ago

Also @vivekraghuram, please feel free to comment if you like!