calcazar / react-native-push-notification-CE

The community edition of the push notification library (by Zo0r) for applications made with React Native
MIT License
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[Android] onNotification not called when application is closed #13

Open avencat opened 6 years ago

avencat commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to add a badge when I receive a notification on Android but I have an issue, indeed, the onNotification is not triggered when app wasn't launched at all. So when I receive the first notification and the app is not launched, I can see in the Chrome debugger that the app launches (silently, it doesn't open) but onNotification is not triggered. After that, when I receive another notification and the app is already silently launched, then, the onNotification is triggered...

For the record, I'm trying to PushNotification.setApplicationBadgeNumber() each time I receive a notification but if onNotification is not called the first time, I can't do it... I also tried to put:


in a setTimeout like this:

setTimeout(() => {
}, 10);

but then, the timeout is reached only when I manually launch the app...

If anyone has another solution to set the badge on Android even when I receive only one notification, please let me know! :)

RN VERSION: 0.55.3 LIB VERSION: Master (#767d043f15fe7daf8639b4a5fbcba6fca960d793) PHONE: Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X PLATFORM: Android

khrizt commented 6 years ago

As far as I know the badge is set automatically using ShortcutBadger library, maybe it doesn't work on some devices. On my OnePlus 3 it didn't work.

But I already have the same issue that onNotification method is not called when opening a notification received.

khrizt commented 6 years ago

Ok, I found out why onNotification is not being called when the app is closed. As I was calling appStart method just after starting the app but before the configure method when the library pops the initial notification the onNotification method is not yet defined, so the solution I found is to call appStart method after the configure method, that way onNotification is always called when opening the app from a push notification.

Maybe @calcazar can take a look if this is a proper solution or we should do anything else cleaner.

AndersonSchmidt commented 4 years ago

Any solution? I have the same problem