calcinai / xero-php

A php library for the Xero API, with a cleaner OAuth interface and ORM-like abstraction.
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How to make a payment on an invoice? #49

Closed t2thec closed 8 years ago

t2thec commented 8 years ago

Hi ya,

I am using a wrapper for this awesome package to work through Laravel. I have been reading up and can't seem to make a payment on an invoice so that it is marked as PAID.

$xero = App::make('XeroPrivate');
$xero_invoice = $xero->loadByGUID('Accounting\\Invoice', $invoice->guid);

$payment = App::make('XeroPayment');


The Payment object is being created and the Invoice is correct too. However, I can't seem to get the above to work. I get a BadRequestException:

A validation exception occurred (An error occurred in Xero. Check the API Status page for current service status. Contact the API support team at for more assistance)

The status of Xero is fine. So I am guessing that something is amiss with the request?

I've been through the code of the package and can't seem to see a way to setPayments on an invoice. Am I going about this the wrong way? Any tips on paying an invoice?

Thanks a lot for putting the package together.

gerrywastaken commented 8 years ago

@movostudios what Laravel wrapper are you using? Is it open source? It's going to be pretty much impossible to figure this out without access to that code.

t2thec commented 8 years ago

Thanks @gerrywastaken. The wrapper is:

Basically it is a simple wrapper to bind this package into Laravel's IOC container. So in essence, the code here is what we are working with. The example above just has things like App::make which is creating the object... so to speak. I've also added it drawmyattention/xerolaravel to create a XeroPayment object as the original dev hadn't created that.

The issue I have really is that looking at the code here at calcinai/xero-php I can't see a way in Models/Accounting/Payment to ->save or in Models/Accounting/Invoice to attach the payment to the invoice object. Does that all make sense? What is the best approach for this?

Thanks again

gerrywastaken commented 8 years ago

I couldn't get the wrapper to work, but I might be able to take a stab in the dark at what is wrong...

Instead of



calcinai commented 8 years ago

The setInvoice() method expects an invoice object, so I don't think @gerrywastaken's solution will work.

This could be related to the state changes allowed by Xero. There have been similar issues a while ago in #28

Have you tried it in the API previewer?

gerrywastaken commented 8 years ago

@calcinai Thanks. I must have been half asleep while looking at that code.

t2thec commented 8 years ago

Thanks @calcinai and @gerrywastaken - The issue I seem to be having is that in Payment class, there is no setPayment method. There is a setPrepayment. In the Invoice class, there is also no way to setPayment either.

I can create a Payment object however the main issue is that I can't seem to find a way to send it to Xero. There is no send($payment) or a way to attach it to the invoice that I can see. If I save it on the Xero object (as per my OP) I get the following weird error: A validation exception occurred (An error occurred in Xero. Check the API Status page for current service status. Contact the API support team at for more assistance)

Thanks again for the help. Do you guys have any examples of how you have sent payments? I should be able to figure it out from there.


gerrywastaken commented 8 years ago

I just did one up like this.

$invoice = $this->xero->loadByGUID('Accounting\\Invoice', '65dc4bc9-b88a-4adc-b965-ca64b5e2880f');
$account = $this->xero->loadByGUID('Accounting\\Account', '13918178-849a-4823-9a31-57b7eac713d7');

$payment = new \XeroPHP\Models\Accounting\Payment($this->xero);


The issue I seem to be having is that in Payment class, there is no setPayment method

setPayment on a Payment? Did you mean the Invoice class? Xero doesn't allow you to link up a payment via the Invoice endpoint, but does allow setting an invoice link via the Payment endpoint (as shown in my example above).

t2thec commented 8 years ago

Thanks @gerrywastaken. Yeah, sorry, I did mean the Invoice class.

The only thing I haven't done here is to set the account as per your example. I will give that a go and see how we get on.

One again, thanks very much!!

calcinai commented 8 years ago

@movostudios how'd you get on?

t2thec commented 8 years ago

TBH I haven't had a chance to get back to it yet. I have time booked in for this client later today, so I will take a look then. Thanks very much @calcinai

calcinai commented 8 years ago

Is this able to be closed?

t2thec commented 8 years ago

Sorry @calcinai. I had been pulled off to a different project. I am back on it this week so will get a chance to check. I'm sure it is fine though, so I will mark as closed.

Thanks @calcinai and @gerrywastaken for your support on this. Very much appreciated.