calcinai / xero-php

A php library for the Xero API, with a cleaner OAuth interface and ORM-like abstraction.
MIT License
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Post Batch items #577

Open iseayam-webpoint opened 5 years ago

iseayam-webpoint commented 5 years ago

Xero API has a feature to send items in bulk "You can create or update a maximum of 500 items per request, although we recommend batches of 50-100 to optimise effeiciency.". I've seen in your API docs that you have saveAll() method but you don't define how to use this.

Can you help on urgent basis please because we are facing a big issue when sending items as it is reaching the API rate limit and Xero is kicking our customers out.

jarodsmk commented 5 years ago

@iseayam-webpoint - did you ever get to implement this?


Josh-G commented 5 years ago

@jarodsmk this line in the README should clarify how to use saveAll():

If you have created a number of objects of the same type, you can save them all in a batch by passing an array to $xero->saveAll().