calcom / docker

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@calcom/google-tag-manager package doesn't seem to be present on trying to build calcom container. #234

Open deepushajia opened 1 year ago

deepushajia commented 1 year ago

@calcom/google-tag-manager@workspace:packages/app-store/google-tag-manager: This package doesn't seem to be present in your lockfile; run "yarn install" to update the lockfile

TD-INFRANFC commented 1 year ago

Same problem 👍

luizeof commented 1 year ago

Same here:


krumware commented 1 year ago

Checking on this

anishg24 commented 1 year ago

Tried updating scripts/ to add an extra yarn install but I don't think docker is picking up my changes (after rebuilding and restarting)

Could be doing something wrong, any feedback I'd be glad to try.

krumware commented 1 year ago

This is something that needs to be addressed in core. Eyes are on it, sorry for the inconvenience

anandcdas commented 1 year ago

Yes, I have the same issue. Not able to make up and running using both the (Most users) method and the (Advanced users) method.

In (Most users) method the docker compose up -d calcom gets executed successfully but the docker is crashing within 1 min.

In (Advanced users) method the docker compose up -d ends at the 14th step always.

eleith commented 1 year ago
diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock
index ef4d01537..58fdd796e 100644
--- a/yarn.lock
+++ b/yarn.lock
@@ -3947,6 +3947,16 @@ __metadata:
   languageName: unknown
   linkType: soft

+  version: 0.0.0-use.local
+  resolution: "@calcom/google-tag-manager@workspace:packages/app-store/google-tag-manager"
+  dependencies:
+    "@calcom/prisma": "*"
+    "@calcom/types": "*"
+    react-hook-form: ^7.43.3
+  languageName: unknown
+  linkType: soft
   version: 0.0.0-use.local
   resolution: "@calcom/around@workspace:packages/app-store/around"

the above patch to yarn.lock resolves the broken build for me. this will have to be fixed upstream on the main repo.

krumware commented 1 year ago

upstream yarn.lock had an update two days ago which added google-tag-manager to the yarn.lock. Just confirming, Is this still breaking for you after pulling latest main in the submodule?

eleith commented 1 year ago

@krumware , thanks for the heads up, i can confirm, it build/works for me.

ahmed-kino commented 1 year ago

I pulled the latest main and I'm still having the issue, am I missing something?

abdallahalsamman commented 1 year ago

@krumware issue still here for me

machine@machines-MacBook-Pro docker-calcom % git reset --hard head   
HEAD is now at cb9db89 Auto updated submodule references
machine@machines-MacBook-Pro docker-calcom % git pull
Already up to date.
machine@machines-MacBook-Pro docker-calcom % cp .env.example .env

machine@machines-MacBook-Pro docker-calcom % docker compose pull

[+] Running 3/3
 ⠿ studio Skipped - Image is already being pulled by calcom                                                                                                                                          0.0s
 ⠿ calcom Pulled                                                                                                                                                                                     5.0s
 ⠿ database Pulled                                                                                                                                                                                   3.5s
machine@machines-MacBook-Pro docker-calcom % docker compose up calcom
[+] Running 3/3
 ⠿ Network stack                     Created                                                                                                                                                         0.1s
 ⠿ Container database                Created                                                                                                                                                         0.2s
 ⠿ Container docker-calcom-calcom-1  Created                                                                                                                                                         0.1s
Attaching to docker-calcom-calcom-1
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | Nothing to replace, the value is already set to http://localhost:3000.
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | + scripts/ http://localhost:3000 http://localhost:3000
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | + scripts/ database:5432 -- echo database is up
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | nc command is missing!
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | + npx prisma migrate deploy --schema /calcom/packages/prisma/schema.prisma
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | Prisma schema loaded from packages/prisma/schema.prisma
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | Datasource "db": PostgreSQL database "calendso", schema "public" at "database:5432"
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 167 migrations found in prisma/migrations
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | No pending migrations to apply.
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | + npx ts-node --transpile-only /calcom/packages/prisma/seed-app-store.ts
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'apple-calendar'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'caldav-calendar'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | Error adding google credentials to DB: Cannot destructure property 'client_secret' of 'JSON.parse(...).web' as it is undefined.
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'jitsi'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'sylaps'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'wipe-my-cal'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'huddle01'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'routing-forms'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'whereby'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'around'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'riverside'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'typeform'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'ping'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'campfire'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'rainbow'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'raycast'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'n8n'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'exchange'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'qr_code'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'weather_in_your_calendar'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'fathom'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'plausible'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'wordpress'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'ga4'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'pipedream'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'sirius_video'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'sendgrid'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'closecom'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'whatsapp'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'telegram'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'signal'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'vimcal'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'amie'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'facetime'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'zohocrm'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'cron'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | 📲 Upserted app: 'google-tag-manager'
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | Skipping Routing Form - Seeding - Pro User not found
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | + yarn start
docker-calcom-calcom-1  | Internal Error: @calcom/google-tag-manager@workspace:packages/app-store/google-tag-manager: This package doesn't seem to be present in your lockfile; run "yarn install" to update the lockfile
docker-calcom-calcom-1  |     at P0.getCandidates (/calcom/.yarn/releases/yarn-3.4.1.cjs:435:5145)
docker-calcom-calcom-1  |     at yf.getCandidates (/calcom/.yarn/releases/yarn-3.4.1.cjs:391:1264)
docker-calcom-calcom-1  |     at /calcom/.yarn/releases/yarn-3.4.1.cjs:439:7693
docker-calcom-calcom-1  |     at of (/calcom/.yarn/releases/yarn-3.4.1.cjs:390:11070)
docker-calcom-calcom-1  |     at ge (/calcom/.yarn/releases/yarn-3.4.1.cjs:439:7673)
docker-calcom-calcom-1  |     at async Promise.allSettled (index 19)
docker-calcom-calcom-1  |     at async $s (/calcom/.yarn/releases/yarn-3.4.1.cjs:390:10398)
docker-calcom-calcom-1  |     at async /calcom/.yarn/releases/yarn-3.4.1.cjs:439:8205
docker-calcom-calcom-1  |     at async ti.startProgressPromise (/calcom/.yarn/releases/yarn-3.4.1.cjs:390:47579)
docker-calcom-calcom-1  |     at async je.resolveEverything (/calcom/.yarn/releases/yarn-3.4.1.cjs:439:6233)
docker-calcom-calcom-1 exited with code 1
InMindVR-Dev commented 1 year ago

same here !


TD-INFRANFC commented 1 year ago

if you need urgently calcom as docker container, pull previous image.

In docker-compose.yaml : image:

Work fine for me 🙂

TD-INFRANFC commented 1 year ago

v2.7.7 or v2.7.6 i'm not sure, I'm not on my workstation

marek94901 commented 1 year ago

v2.7.7 is ok. I˙m on this version.

emrysal commented 1 year ago

I'm unable to reproduce this issue on v2.7.10 - looking at the v2.7.10 & .9 yarn.lock looks right, confirming the v2.7.8 tag has a broken lockfile.

Edit to add the reason this happened is because a new app was merged without the necessary yarn.lock bump, we'll take care to prevent this in the future.

InMindVR-Dev commented 1 year ago

2.7.7 worked for me thanks to TD-INFRANFC (image:

marek94901 commented 1 year ago

Hi, v2.7.13 works well.

krumware commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the confirmation!