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App switch on on restart #350

Open pavriet-boxtal opened 3 months ago

pavriet-boxtal commented 3 months ago

So I'm trying to see if it meet my org needs. After creating the admin, I switched of all apps (please add a button to switch in bulk) I needed to restart the container because I failed to setup an env var correctly, and (almost) all apps switch back on:


No pending migrations to apply.
npm notice 
npm notice New minor version of npm available! 10.2.4 -> 10.5.2
npm notice Changelog: <>
npm notice Run `npm install -g npm@10.5.2` to update!
npm notice 
+ npx ts-node --transpile-only /calcom/packages/prisma/seed-app-store.ts
📲 Updated app: 'apple-calendar'
📲 Updated app: 'caldav-calendar'
Error adding google credentials to DB: Unexpected end of JSON input
📲 Updated app: 'jitsi'
📲 Updated app: 'wipe-my-cal'
📲 Updated app: 'make'
📲 Updated app: 'huddle01'
📲 Updated app: 'alby'
📲 Updated app: 'amie'
📲 Updated app: 'apple-calendar'
📲 Updated app: 'around'
📲 Updated app: 'basecamp3'
📲 Updated app: 'cal-ai'
📲 Updated app: 'caldav-calendar'
📲 Updated app: 'campfire'
📲 Updated app: 'closecom'
📲 Updated app: 'cron'
📲 Updated app: 'daily-video'
📲 Updated app: 'deel'
📲 Updated app: 'demodesk'
📲 Updated app: 'discord'
📲 Updated app: 'eightxeight'
📲 Updated app: 'element-call'
📲 Updated app: 'exchange2013-calendar'
📲 Updated app: 'exchange2016-calendar'
📲 Updated app: 'exchange'
📲 Updated app: 'facetime'
📲 Updated app: 'fathom'
📲 Updated app: 'feishu-calendar'
📲 Updated app: 'ga4'
📲 Updated app: 'giphy'
📲 Updated app: 'google-calendar'
📲 Updated app: 'google-meet'
📲 Updated app: 'gtm'
📲 Updated app: 'hubspot'
📲 Updated app: 'huddle01'
📲 Updated app: 'ics-feed'
📲 Updated app: 'intercom'
📲 Updated app: 'jelly'
📲 Updated app: 'jitsi'
📲 Updated app: 'lark-calendar'
📲 Updated app: 'linear'
📲 Updated app: 'make'
📲 Updated app: 'matomo'
📲 Updated app: 'metapixel'
📲 Updated app: 'mirotalk'
📲 Updated app: 'mock-payment-app'
📲 Updated app: 'n8n'
📲 Updated app: 'office365-calendar'
📲 Updated app: 'msteams'
📲 Updated app: 'paypal'
📲 Updated app: 'ping'
📲 Updated app: 'pipedream'
📲 Updated app: 'pipedrive-crm'
📲 Updated app: 'plausible'
📲 Updated app: 'qr_code'
📲 Updated app: 'raycast'
📲 Updated app: 'riverside'
📲 Updated app: 'roam'
📲 Updated app: 'routing-forms'
📲 Updated app: 'salesforce'
📲 Updated app: 'salesroom'
📲 Updated app: 'sendgrid'
📲 Updated app: 'shimmervideo'
📲 Updated app: 'signal'
📲 Updated app: 'sirius_video'
📲 Updated app: 'stripe'
📲 Updated app: 'sylapsvideo'
📲 Updated app: 'tandem'
📲 Updated app: 'telegram'
📲 Updated app: 'typeform'
📲 Updated app: 'vimcal'
📲 Updated app: 'vital-automation'
📲 Updated app: 'weather_in_your_calendar'
📲 Updated app: 'webex'
📲 Updated app: 'whatsapp'
📲 Updated app: 'whereby'
📲 Updated app: 'wipe-my-cal'
📲 Updated app: 'wordpress'
📲 Updated app: 'zapier'
📲 Updated app: 'zoho-bigin'
📲 Updated app: 'zohocalendar'
📲 Updated app: 'zohocrm'
📲 Updated app: 'zoom'
Skipping Routing Form - Seeding - Pro User not found
+ yarn start
• Packages in scope: @calcom/web
• Running start in 1 packages
• Remote caching disabled

Is this expected behavior ?

pavriet-boxtal commented 1 month ago

Hello, any news on this ?

Tested again on v4.1.5. It just reset all fields enabled in table App.