calculix / ccx2paraview

CalculiX to Paraview converter (frd to vtk/vtu). Makes possible to view and postprocess CalculiX analysis results in Paraview. Generates Mises and Principal components for stress and strain tensors.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to open multiple files created for multiple time steps at once in ParaView? #8

Closed prasadadhav closed 4 years ago

prasadadhav commented 4 years ago


I am really glad I found this because I am new to CCX and CGX, but I have experience with ParaView. Also, I have some issues with visualizing results using cgx -v file_name.frd.

I was able to use it on one of my results. I opened the final time step(500th-time step) and confirm that the results I am seeing in ParaView. I read your warning about multiple files being created for each time step.

Is it possible to open all the files at once?

I don't know if I should open a new issue for this or not since I am a new user. Is it possible to see the deformed shape in ParaView?

In any matter, I am really glad I found this since this can at least work as a temporary fix for my problems until I figure out CGX.

Thank you @imirzov for ccx2paraview.

PS: Here are the results dispU_flap_500


Here,you can see the space which occupies the flap being deformed, but would be nice to see the first image deformed. Flap_FSI 0050

imirzov commented 4 years ago

Dear Alphaoo1, Thank you for using this converter and for sharing your results!

The command "./ccx2paraview jobname.frd vtu" should produce additional file in XML format - the PVD file. Open it in Paraview to read data from all time steps (all VTU files) at ones.

To see deformed shape in Paraview use filter "Warp by vector".

prasadadhav commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much @imirzov. This will help. me a lot.

I was able to get the results.

Here are the results for the structure and the corresponding fluid.

