caleb531 / play-song

An Alfred workflow for quickly and easily playing music in the Apple Music app
MIT License
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playartist, playalbum, etc. show no results, but playplaylist works fine #45

Closed littleblue50 closed 7 years ago

littleblue50 commented 8 years ago

Using the latest release version I get no results found for anything other than playplaylist.

caleb531 commented 8 years ago

Hi, @littleblue50.

I have a few questions for you:

  1. What is your system language set to?
  2. Could you please provide some example queries you've tried? (including those that do and don't work)
littleblue50 commented 8 years ago

Of course!

1) Japanese 2) Examples:

playplaylist Silent => works (although it finds some non-matching playlists and changes order of same results after every letter typed but it does find results) playplaylist FF => works, caveat as above

playalbum The => no results found playalbum Meteora => no results found

playartist Radiohead => no results found playartist A => no results found

playsong Alone => no results found playsong The => no results found

caleb531 commented 8 years ago

In my experience, this is probably related to the fact that your system language is Japanese (and AppleScript, which Play Song is written in, gets a bit quirky when searching iTunes). What happens if you set your system language to English temporarily?

littleblue50 commented 8 years ago

Changing the language to English does seem to solve the issue. Is it not possible to use anything but playlist while in Japanese then?

caleb531 commented 8 years ago

Unfortunately, that may be the case. Language Issues like this are likely an intrinsic issue with AppleScript or iTunes, rather than a bug in Play Song, which makes the issue practically impossible to fix on my part.