caleb531 / play-song

An Alfred workflow for quickly and easily playing music in the Apple Music app
MIT License
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Error about config.scpt when using #53

Closed mttjhn closed 5 years ago

mttjhn commented 5 years ago

I'm getting the following error in the debug when attempting to search for a song using the playsong command... is there a setup step I missed? I simply downloaded the .alfredworkflow file and installed it. I attempted to clearcache, but no improvement.

[ERROR: input.scriptfilter] Code 1: filters/playsong.applescript:48:120: execution error: Can’t make file "Macintosh HD:Users:matthew:Library:Caches:com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-3:Workflow Data:com.calebevans.playsong:config.scpt" into type file. (-1700)

caleb531 commented 5 years ago

@mttjhn What version of macOS / OS X are you running? Also, what version of Alred are you using?

mttjhn commented 5 years ago

@caleb531 I'm on Mojave 10.14.4 and using Alfred v3.8.1

mttjhn commented 5 years ago

Also, getting the above error regardless of which command I run (e.g. playartist, playsong, etc)

caleb531 commented 5 years ago

@mttjhn Hmm okay, stupid question, but I have to ask: did you make sure to download Play Song (Alfred 3).alfredworkflow and not Play Song (Alfred 2).alfredworkflow?

mttjhn commented 5 years ago

Yes, I'm using the Alfred 3 version. I managed to get it working by manually executing the osacompile command that's in the script to generate the config.scpt file and then copied that to the correct folder where it was missing.

caleb531 commented 5 years ago

@mttjhn Good to know. I'm surprised it didn't run automatically, because the code is set up to. Maybe it's a permission issue?

Well, if you have things working now, then I'll close this issue. Thanks for reaching out.

caleb531 commented 5 years ago

@mttjhn Good news! I was able to find the root cause of this error, and have pushed Play Song v5.0.2 with a fix. Please check out and let me know if things are still working for you.

mttjhn commented 5 years ago

Excellent! I just downloaded the new workflow and it works great without any extra steps. Thanks for the quick turnaround.