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Eloquent with #17

Open makroxyz opened 4 days ago

makroxyz commented 4 days ago


Starting from Laravel 11.23.* the following error

Parameter 1 $relations of method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder<Domain\Monitor\Models\MonitorResource>::with() expects array<array|(Closure(Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation<*, *, *>):  mixed)|string>|string, array{monitorable: Closure(Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphTo): void} given

Laravel code where the issue was found

$resources = Resource::whereIn('resource_id', $requestResources)
        'monitorable' => function (MorphTo $morphTo) {
                 Service::class => [
calebdw commented 4 days ago


Thanks for your report, however, this is expected as closure parameter types are invariant. See:

I thought this would be fine since most methods you need are defined on the Relation but morphWith is only defined on the MorphTo relation so you do need to type it.

I'll open an issue with PHPStan to see if there's a way to solve this problem. In the meantime you can override the type inside the closure:

$resources = Resource::query()
    ->whereIn('resource_id', $requestResources)
        'monitorable' => function ($morphTo) {
             /** @var MorphTo $morphTo */
                 Service::class => ['relation1', 'relation2'],
makroxyz commented 3 days ago

Sorry, but workaround doesn't work...

PHPDoc tag @var for variable $morphTo contains generic class Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphTo but does not specify its types: TRelatedModel, TDeclaringMode
calebdw commented 3 days ago

So then use:

/** @var MorphTo<*, *> $morphTo */