calebgrove / select-a-structure

A select field for Kirby populated by a structure field.
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Store Entirety of the Structure Entry #5

Closed calebgrove closed 7 years ago

calebgrove commented 7 years ago

Given this blueprint:

  type: structure
      type: text
      type: text
  type: selectastructure
  structurepage: staff
  structurefield: staffmembers
  optionkey: name

This field currently writes this to the content file:

Employeeofthemonth: Gary

But, I would rather have it write it to the file as a single structure entry:


  name: Gary
  position: Intern



calebgrove commented 7 years ago

If anyone has any opinion on this, I would love to hear it.

samnabi commented 7 years ago

I would recommend storing just the optionkey. The risk of having duplicate & outdated data is not worth the easier logic for me.

calebgrove commented 7 years ago

Agreed. After thinking about this for a little while, I was leaning heavily toward not having the entirety of the field stored. Of course if the optionkey changes in the structurefield, we will have the same problem.

In an ideal world, Kirby AutoID would work with structure fields ( and select-a-structure could use the permanent ID to connect the two.

For now, I'm going to close this issue.