calebhailey / homelab

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0/1 nodes are available: 1 node(s) had taints that the pod didn't tolerate. #3

Closed calebhailey closed 4 years ago

calebhailey commented 4 years ago

I vaguely recalled reading about Kubernetes Taints as a concept when I was first learning about K8s, but I quickly ignored it as something I wouldn't have to deal with unless – for some crazy reason – I decided to run my own K8s cluster someday. Huzzah! 😆

Fast forward to today and the concept makes perfect sense – I just skipped a step when setting up my single-node cluster.

calebhailey commented 4 years ago

Troubleshooting was easy... kubectl describe node <node> revealed the taint, and figuring out the required configuration change was simple.

$ kubectl get nodes                                                                                                         
NAME      STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION                                                                                            
homelab   Ready    master   23h   v1.17.0

$ kubectl describe node homelab
Name:               homelab
Roles:              master
Annotations: /var/run/dockershim.sock                                             
CreationTimestamp:  Sat, 28 Dec 2019 13:28:27 -0800
Unschedulable:      false

And there it is – by default, kubeadm init configured this node as a Kubernetes master, which would normally take care for managing other Kubernetes "worker" (or "non-master") nodes. The Kubernetes Concepts documentation describes the distinction between the Kubernetes master and non-master nodes as follows:

  • The Kubernetes Master is a collection of three processes that run on a single node in your cluster, which is designated as the master node. Those processes are: kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager and kube-scheduler.
  • Each individual non-master node in your cluster runs two processes:
    • kubelet, which communicates with the Kubernetes Master.
    • kube-proxy, a network proxy which reflects Kubernetes networking services on each node.

So anyway, as soon as I saw I began nodding my head, realizing what the issue was. One Google search returned me straight back to the very installation guide I followed I had skimmed over, and the instruction I had skipped:

Control plane node isolation By default, your cluster will not schedule pods on the control-plane node for security reasons. If you want to be able to schedule pods on the control-plane node, e.g. for a single-machine Kubernetes cluster for development, run:

kubectl taint nodes --all

With output looking something like:

node "test-01" untainted
taint "" not found
taint "" not found

This will remove the taint from any nodes that have it, including the control-plane node, meaning that the scheduler will then be able to schedule pods everywhere.

So... one quick kubectl taint nodes --all command later, and my single-node K8s cluster was now actually useful for running pods!

NOTE: there's a LOT more output from kubectl describe node <node> that this; I'm just trimming the rest for brevity; all we needed was this clue about the configured Taints.

alexellis commented 4 years ago

I realise this is an old issue now, but you may like and - by default k3s uses a lot less resources and untaints the master (called a server).

calebhailey commented 4 years ago

Thanks, @alexellis! This project was mainly for the purposes of learning more about k8s internals. This issue was more of a "feature" than a bug in the context of my homelab. I knew about taints, but I hadn't encountered them in any of my k8s usage (mostly hosted K8s, like GKE).

Having said that, I've been wanting to give K3s a try, so I'll probably do that soon!

Cheers 🍻

Anushamobis commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot for posting this ....this was a real savior!!!

didip commented 4 years ago

Ha! I was having this exact same problem with my homelab as well. Thanks, mate!

EPALKAA commented 3 years ago

Thanks calebhailey...Its really help to resolve my problem

sanzenwin commented 3 years ago

@calebhailey,thanks a lot, it is really helpful. 🥇

sodared commented 2 years ago


akaPipo commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot!