calebjacob / tooltipster

A jQuery tooltip plugin
MIT License
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Can't find a way to install an event handler on a button included in the tooltip #754

Closed egavaldo closed 5 years ago

egavaldo commented 5 years ago

Hi, I tried to google it but did not find a way to do that.

Here is my code:

        refreshTooltip: function () {
            console.log("[treeview  ] refreshTooltip()");
            var self = this;

            console.log("[treeview  ] - destroying previous tooltips...");

            console.log("[treeview  ] - reinstalling tooltips...");
                theme                       : 'tooltipster-light',
                animation               : 'grow', // 'fade', 'grow', 'swing', 'slide', 'fall'
                updateAnimation : 'rotate', //'fade', 'rotate', 'scale', null
                contentAsHTML       : true,
                interactive         : true,
                delay                       : 500,
                side                        : ['right','top', 'bottom','left'],

                functionPosition: function(instance, helper, position) {
                    if (position.side == 'right') {
                        position.coord.left += 1; // 5 extra pixels on the right to let some spec to move to lower nodes in the tree
                    return position;

                functionBefore: function(instance, helper) { // 'instance' is basically the tooltip
                    //console.log("[treeview  ] tooltip functionBefore()");
                    var $origin = $(helper.origin);

                    // we set a variable so the data is only loaded once via Ajax, not every time the tooltip opens
                    if ($'loaded') !== true) { // FIXME handle the reset of this when calling destroy and re-enable it
                        var tooltipSrcId = $origin.closest("tr.item_row").attr("id"); // i.e. "cm_123"
                        var tooltipSrcName = $origin.text();

                        //console.log("[treeview  ] tooltip loading " + tooltipSrcId.toUpperCase() + "...");
                        instance.content("loading " + tooltipSrcId.toUpperCase() + "...");

                        if (tooltipSrcId.startsWith("cm_")) { // getCompanyTooltipContent
                            self.backend.getTooltip(instance, helper, "getCompanySummary", "companyId", tooltipSrcId.replace(/cm_/gi, ""), self.main); // AJAX CALL BASED ON THE ORIGIN ID
                        } // if... else ...
                    } // if ($'loaded') !== true)
                }, // functionBefore

                functionReady(origin, tooltip) {
                    console.log("- - - - functionReady !");

                functionAfter(origin, tooltip) {
                    console.log("- - - - functionAfter !");

            }); // $('.ttip').tooltipster({})
        }, // refreshTooltip: function

and getTooltip():

        getTooltip: function (instance, helper, command, idName, idValue, mainTree) {
            console.log("[backend   ] getTooltip(" + command + ")");
            var self = this;
            $.ajax({type:"GET", url:this.serverURL+"/api?command="+command+"&"+idName+"="+idValue,
                success: function(data){
                    // download embedded images in the content
                    var dataWithEmbeddedImages = self.downloadEmbeddedImagesInHtml(data);

                    // optional "More" button
                    var redirectButton = "";
                    if (!mainTree) {
                        redirectButton = "<div style=\"margin-top: 10px;\"><div class=\"summary_single\"><a id=\"more-button\" class=\"btn btn-success\">More</a></div></div>";

                    instance.content(dataWithEmbeddedImages + redirectButton);

                    var $origin = $(helper.origin);
                    $'loaded', true); // to remember that the data has already been loaded

                    $(instance.tooltip).closest('#more-button').on("click", function() {
                        console.log("- - - - -Clicked!");


                error: function(data){
                    console.log("[backend   ] ERROR while retrieving the tooltip!");

Could you guide me doing this ?

I tried using functionReady(origin, tooltip) but for any reason it seems the content of the tooltip is not yet ready in there, so I'm tryin to dot his directly in getTooltip() as you can see.


louisameline commented 5 years ago

Hello, I cannot provide user support with my limited time, sorry. Maybe someone can help on Stackoverflow. Thanks