calebmer / connect

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Keyboard support for creating a new conversation #59

Open brenthaertlein opened 5 years ago

brenthaertlein commented 5 years ago

It would be preferably if I could start a Conversation with cmd+enter or ctrl+enter after typing the "body" or "first message" of the new Conversation.

cmd+enter preferred on macOS

Browser: Chrome Version 74.0.3729.169 (Official Build) (64-bit) OS: macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 (17E202)

calebmer commented 5 years ago

Yes! This is something @Domthegrom asked for as well. A big competitive advantage of Connect will be keyboard shortcuts. The philosophy is:

brenthaertlein commented 5 years ago

@calebmer would you prefer I open individual issues for "power user" functionality like enhanced keyboard support etc or would you like that consolidated to this (or some other) single issue, akin to the concept of an "Epic" (am Jira user).

I think the granularity of single issues is preferable and perhaps there could be a tag/label for this "type" of issue.

calebmer commented 5 years ago

One strategy I liked at Facebook is we’d have Umbrella ☂️ issues which referenced all of the individual issues. Same basic idea as an epic.

We can also use tags, milestones, or projects for this. I like the idea of using a tag but a milestone might be nice to get a progress bar. The problem with milestones is you can only have one milestone per issue.

calebmer commented 5 years ago

Let’s definitely add “power user” tags and also maybe create an umbrella issue explaining the vision and strategy if that’s valuable.