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Implement calidev website with Jekyll #14

Open roadev opened 8 years ago

roadev commented 8 years ago

Also, the idea is to optimize the resources that the website sends to the client:

screenshot from 2016-03-02 21-04-11 screenshot from 2016-03-02 21-04-14

dafevara commented 8 years ago

@roadev More maintainable? under which arguments?. Second, We already use the meetup platform to keep an archive of everything. I have use jekyll and that tool demands the same amount of maintenance time that any other html page. What is the real benefits and please provide arguments about it. Thanks

juliancantillo commented 8 years ago

I think we can create our community site with something like rails or django. We need to have more info of our users, also be able to create landing pages for our events more easy. -1 for Jekyll. But we can have this talk in the slack channel. Maybe we can create a channel named website and invite peopel interested in this topic. What do you think @andresgz, @roadev , @dafevara

roadev commented 8 years ago

Jekyll is for static sites like this... @andresgz was telling me that could be a good idea. I think it's better to discuss about this at Calidev's slack...

andresgz commented 8 years ago

You should have gone to the last Ruby Meetup where @roadev explained Jekyll. Please share the presentation with them. There is not point of comparison with a standard HTML page. I see a lot of benefits there, because the current way to update the site is a pain in the ass and history of events is lost. And with the past negative to develop an app/site with Django, Rails or something else It's a very good alternative.

Why? (Mostly taken from the Meetup)

  1. Organize the project ( Current one is a single Spaghetti file).
  2. We have a templates language where we add logic, includes between others.
  3. Content is separated from the front-end.
  4. Result is a lightweight HTML site.
  5. We can still get the benefits of Github pages hosting.

I don't agree to discuss this on Slack. If that's the case to discuss the issue here. Reopening issue.


juliancantillo commented 8 years ago

I had my blog with Jekyll and it is great, but I think we shoud build or website with django or rails, features like user registration and email campaings are the main objective. Also we created this site only for the first event, We should update it!

dafevara commented 8 years ago

The maintenance cost is not only based on the tool we use to build the site but also on who is engaged as the maintainer. In this case, we don't have a unique person to do it. We have a plain html site that anybody can update and reduce the maintenance cost or avoid to have a unique person responsible of it. I think that is a strong argument to keep it as is right now and focus our energies and creativity on make the community better and valuable for the members. @juliancantillo @roadev @andresgz . I'd rather to have this conversation on Slack instead here. Slack is for direct communication. Github is for source code. Debating about this here means us not giving the opportunity to other members to express their points of view and letting slack without an argument to exists.

andresgz commented 8 years ago

Completely makes no sense. Add/Edit a YML file per event is much easier than edit a HTML file every time. Spaghetti code will never be a good idea. That's mediocrity.