calimero-project / calimero-core

Core library for KNX network access and management
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Reading/writing value from/to a KNX module #41

Closed JourdanM closed 7 years ago

JourdanM commented 7 years ago

Hello !

I'm currently trying to read/write a value from/to a KNX module. I tried to follow the steps from this post ( but I've issues because the basic code source has changed (remoteHost isn't anymore a String but a InetAdress per example).

Is it possible to update these parts of the code so I could try to make my application work ?

Thanks a lot and sorry for my bad english :D

calimero-project commented 7 years ago

This is an updated example:



 * Example of Calimero process communication, we read and write a boolean datapoint in the KNX network. By default, this
 * example will not change any datapoint value in the network.
public class ProcessCommunication
    // Address of your KNXnet/IP server. Replace the IP host or address as necessary.
    private static final String remoteHost = "";

     * We will read a boolean from this KNX datapoint group address, replace the address string with one of yours. Make
     * sure this datapoint exists, otherwise you will get a read timeout!
    private static final String group = "1/1/1";

    public static void main(final String[] args)
        // Create our network link, and pass it to a process communicator
        try (KNXNetworkLink knxLink = KNXNetworkLinkIP.newTunnelingLink(null, new InetSocketAddress(remoteHost, 3671), false, TPSettings.TP1);
            ProcessCommunicator pc = new ProcessCommunicatorImpl(knxLink)) {

            System.out.println("read a boolean from datapoint " + group);
            // this is a blocking method to read a boolean from a KNX datapoint
            final boolean value = pc.readBool(new GroupAddress(group));
            System.out.println("datapoint " + group + " value: " + value);

            // Uncomment the next line, if you want to write back the same value to the KNX network
            // pc.write(group, value);
        catch (KNXException | InterruptedException e) {
            System.out.println("Error reading KNX datapoint: " + e.getMessage());
JourdanM commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot, it works fine, I'm now able to collect data from differents groups ! When I tried do run my app from the school (directly connected by Wi-Fi on the network), I have a timeout, impossible to connect to the group. But when I tried from home (connected by VPN), it works fine.

Do you have an idea why ?

bmalinowsky commented 7 years ago

The example probably defaults to the wrong local IP address. In the method call newTunnelingLink(null, ..., replace the null with new InetSocketAddress("my.local.ip.address", 0), and insert your local IP address of the wifi network.

JourdanM commented 7 years ago

Works well :) Thank you very much for the help !