calimero-project / calimero-server

KNXnet/IP server for KNX IP, KNX (RF) USB, FT1.2, and TP-UART
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ETS5 can not program #4

Closed songzh96 closed 4 years ago

songzh96 commented 4 years ago


I am using calimero made a KNX IP gatway, I can monitor knx bus message,but I can't program KNX device.

The log shows the device not response.

Hardware: Raspberry 4B,Siemens Bustranceiver Module BTM UP117 5WG1117-2AB12 Software: calimero-server

Best Regrads songzh

bmalinowsky commented 4 years ago

I just tried with ETS 5.7.2, server master HEAD, programming a venetian blinds actor on tp1. (download/overwrite IA, unload device, partial download, full download). Which does work. I don't have an instabus coupler, though.

To understand in detail what does not work for you (and why), I would need a server log with trace level enabled.

songzh96 commented 4 years ago

this is knx.service status,when I choose partial download image

ETS 5.5.2 image

I was use tpuart module link Pi(GPIO14,GPIO15), /dev/ttyS0

bmalinowsky commented 4 years ago

Can you successfully read something else, like clicking on device info in ETS for a device? Does that work? I tried several scenarios to reproduce your issue, but couldn't (also with v2.4).

I was probably unclear with

[...] server log with trace level enabled.

What I meant was to adjust the server log level like this:

  1. Take a file, e.g.,
  2. In that file, adjust the defaultLogLevel to trace (defaultLogLevel=trace)
  3. copy file to /etc/calimero/
  4. restart server
  5. program device
  6. use a command like sudo journalctl -f -u knx -n 10000 -> there should be hundreds of lines log output from calimero.

From that log, one can see if a DD0 response was actually sent, if it got forwarded, etc...

songzh96 commented 4 years ago

I am using a script written by someone else. I looked at it and I did not install calimero-tool.

So, I used the command sudo journalctl -f -u knx -n 10000, the output is the contents of the following file

Please help me look at it, thank you

Best Regards Songzh


bmalinowsky commented 4 years ago

no subnet configured for destination 1.2.45 (received T_Connect from 1.1.129)

Your script configured the server to subnet 1.1.0 but you want to address a device with address 1.2.45. This won't work! The allowed address range for your bus is 1.1.[0..255].

You have to change this either in your script, and call the script again, or change it directly in /etc/calimero/server-config.xml and restart the server.

The correct configuration is for the server to use 1.2.0 and change the additional addresses to use 1.2.x, e.g., 1.2.29, 1.2.30, etc. The additional addresses should not be assigned already to other devices.

bmalinowsky commented 4 years ago

As a side note: your tpuart gets hot quite often and pauses sending. If that happens only now and then, it's not a problem, but your log shows it frequently.

songzh96 commented 4 years ago

Do you see " Sep 28 04:23:42 raspberrypi java[3976]: [knx-server subnet dispatcher] WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 1.1.1: no ACK for L-Data.con"

that is when i choose partial download the log will show it.

by the way,my calimero phy address is 11.0.1.I will test it tomorrow with the method you said.

songzh96 commented 4 years ago

As a side note: your tpuart gets hot quite often and pauses sending. If that happens only now and then, it's not a problem, but your log shows it frequently.

I have noticed it before, but I have not touched it so much.

I just connected the TP-UART to the GPIO14, 15 of the Raspberry Pi.

songzh96 commented 4 years ago

When I start knx.service, the log will show this. Is this error causing me to download the program?

Sep 29 14:16:08 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Stopping Calimero KNX Daemon... Sep 29 14:16:08 raspberrypi java[3976]: [knx-server shutdown] INFO calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - knx-server: user request for shutdown Sep 29 14:16:08 raspberrypi java[3976]: [knx-server discovery endpoint] INFO calimero.server.knx-server - knx-server discovery endpoint closed Sep 29 14:16:08 raspberrypi java[3976]: [knx-server control endpoint /dev/ttyS0] INFO calimero.server.knx-server - knx-server control endpoint /dev/ttyS0 closed Sep 29 14:16:08 raspberrypi systemd[1]: knx.service: Succeeded. Sep 29 14:16:08 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Stopped Calimero KNX Daemon. Sep 29 14:16:08 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Calimero KNX Daemon. Sep 29 14:16:10 raspberrypi java[23799]: [main] INFO calimero.server.knx-server - Calimero KNXnet/IP server (v2.4) 'Calimero KNXnet/IP Server' Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: [main] INFO calimero.server.knx-server - KNXnet/IP discovery network interfaces: listen on [all], send on [all] Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: [main] INFO calimero.server.knx-server - Service container '/dev/ttyS0': Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: listen on eth0, KNXnet/IP routing disabled Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: tpuart connection: TP1 medium, device 1.1.0 Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: [main] INFO calimero.server.knx-server - setup tpuart subnet '/dev/ttyS0' Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: [main] ERROR calimero.serial.tpuart:/dev/ttyS0 - set parity failed Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: Invalid argument Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: at Method) Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: at Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: at Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: at Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: at Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: at$openNetworkLink$5( Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: at$Link.connect( Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: at$Link.( Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: at$Link.( Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: at Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: at Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: at Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: at Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: at Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: [knx-server discovery endpoint] INFO calimero.server.knx-server - KNXnet/IP discovery listens on interface eth0 Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: [knx-server discovery endpoint] INFO calimero.server.knx-server - KNXnet/IP discovery listens on interface lo Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: [knx-server discovery endpoint] INFO calimero.server.knx-server - knx-server discovery endpoint is up and running Sep 29 14:16:11 raspberrypi java[23799]: [knx-server control endpoint /dev/ttyS0] INFO calimero.server.knx-server - knx-server control endpoint /dev/ttyS0 is up and running Sep 29 14:26:14 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Stopping Calimero KNX Daemon...

bmalinowsky commented 4 years ago

It seems unrelated. Your serial device did correctly initialize before, no? There is probably a different cause for that. The reason why you can't download a program is that you configured the wrong knx subnet in the server.

bmalinowsky commented 4 years ago

calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 1.1.1: no ACK for L-Data.con"

This means that the message was sent to the knx bus, but the confirmation from the device was not received.

songzh96 commented 4 years ago

Hi @bmalinowsky

First of all, thank you very much for your patience.

I tried to test it in various ways today,Still unable to download. But I can use the gateway I bought perform ETS programming. or calimero use ip connection,it will can use ETS progarming.

this is my config.xml. if configured wrong,I think it wiil be /dev/ttyS0 problem. but I can write and read. I can not use ETS programing,

now I Turn /dev/ttyS0 into /dev/ttyAMA0, ---same problem.

Physical connection TP-UART - TX -> Pi Rx(GPIO 15) TP-UART - RX -> Pi Tx(GPIO 14) TP-UART - 5V -> Pi 5V TP-UART - GND -> Pi Gnd

If my serial port is directly connected (Tx-Tx), I can't get the KNX Bus msg.

Best Regards songzh

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Calimero server settings (required for startup) -->
<knxServer name="knx-server" friendlyName="Calimero KNXnet/IP Server">
  <propertyDefinitions ref="/etc/calimero/properties.xml"/>
  <!-- KNXnet/IP search & discovery -->
  <discovery listenNetIf="all" outgoingNetIf="all" activate="true"/>
  <!-- Provides the KNXnet/IP-side configuration for access to one KNX subnet -->
  <serviceContainer activate="true" routing="false" networkMonitoring="true" udpPort="3671" listenNetIf="eth0">
    <knxAddress type="individual">1.1.0</knxAddress>
    <!-- Enabling the disruption buffer will replay missed frames after reconnecting a KNXnet/IP client link
                        using the specific client UDP port range (if caused by a disrupted connection). -->
    <!-- <disruptionBuffer expirationTimeout="30" udpPort="5555-5559" /> -->
    <!-- Specify one KNX subnet type, connecting the KNX network. The subnet connection type is one of
                        { "ip", "knxip", "ft12", "usb", "tpuart", "user-supplied", "virtual", "emulate" }.
                        The KNX communication medium is one of { "tp1" (default), "pl110", "knxip", "rf" }.
                        In the follwing are some examples: -->
    <!--<knxSubnet type="ip"></knxSubnet>-->
    <!-- two optional attributes are supported for tunneling:
                        * netif: specifies the server network interface to the knx subnet
                        * useNat="true"|"false": use network address translation (NAT) -->
    <!-- <knxSubnet type="ip" netif="eth0" useNat="true"></knxSubnet> -->
    <!-- <knxSubnet type="knxip" listenNetIf="en0"></knxSubnet> -->
    <!-- <knxSubnet type="ft12" medium="pl110" domainAddress="6f">/dev/ttyS0</knxSubnet> -->
    <!-- if USB device identifier (here "siemens") is left empty, the first found KNX USB device is used -->
    <!--<knxSubnet type="usb" medium="tp1"></knxSubnet>-->
    <knxSubnet type="tpuart" medium="tp1">/dev/ttyS0</knxSubnet>
    <!-- <knxSubnet type="user-supplied" class="my.knx.NetworkLink">o1,i2|i4</knxSubnet> -->
    <!-- <knxSubnet type="virtual">virtual-subnet</knxSubnet> -->
    <!-- Datapoints are only required if an emulated KNX subnet is used -->
    <!-- <datapoints ref="datapointMap.xml" /> -->
    <!-- KNX group address filter applied for this service container (optional) -->
    <!-- <groupAddressFilter>
      <knxAddress type="group">0/0/0</knxAddress>
      <knxAddress type="group">2/1/1</knxAddress>
      <knxAddress type="group">2/1/0</knxAddress>
      <knxAddress type="group">2/1/20</knxAddress>
    </groupAddressFilter> -->
    <!-- Additional KNX individual addresses assigned to client KNXnet/IP connections (optional) -->
      <knxAddress type="individual">1.1.129</knxAddress>
      <knxAddress type="individual">1.1.130</knxAddress>
      <knxAddress type="individual">1.1.131</knxAddress>
      <knxAddress type="individual">1.1.132</knxAddress>
      <knxAddress type="individual">1.1.133</knxAddress>
      <knxAddress type="individual">1.1.134</knxAddress>
      <knxAddress type="individual">1.1.135</knxAddress>
      <knxAddress type="individual">1.1.136</knxAddress>

  <!-- Next service container (optional) -->
bmalinowsky commented 4 years ago

If you can read/write group values, then your physical connection is ok, no need to change that.

Your server-config is good for programming devices in the range 1.1.x. But to see what goes wrong with, e.g., device 1.1.1, I would need more output from the log. Your log contains only info and warnings, please set the log config to trace as described in my comment above.

songzh96 commented 4 years ago

Hi @bmalinowsky

this is my log.

Best Regards songzh


bmalinowsky commented 4 years ago

The inter-byte delay while receiving a frame is too long (it exceeds 4000 us). The important lines are

reset input buffer, discard partial frame ...

4 partial frames discarded, increase max. inter-byte delay to 7500 us

It essentially means that several frames got discarded. And then programming won't work of course. Which I find surprising if you connect the tpuart link over GPIO. I don't know why that happens in your particular case. I only observed those delayed timings when using a usb -> serial adapter.

One quick thing you can try is to run the 2.5 line of calimero (you use 2.4) which contains several changes:

songzh96 commented 4 years ago

Hi, @bmalinowsky .

Thank you for your answer again.

I have upgraded the branches to the master,it worked. Unfortunately, dowland very slowly,and it will interrupt.

this is my log,can you help me check again. log.txt

Best Regards songzh

songzh96 commented 4 years ago


Just tested, this issue has been fixed solution: pi tx ---> tpuart rx pi rx ----> tpuart tx gnd ----> gnd

it can download now, but very slow, It costs about 20s. if i use another gateway,it will costs 5s

I found an interesting phenomenon,Whether I cross or connect directly, it can listen to KNX bus messages.

Thank you very much for your help.

Best Regards songzh

beireken commented 4 years ago

I thought the Siemens tpuart module has 5v where the pi uart gpio are max 3.3v?

songzh96 commented 4 years ago


But I used the knxd library to test it perfectly. I also measured the voltage, it is 3.3v

beireken commented 4 years ago

I did measure the voltage on the Siemens uart and i had 5v. That's strange. I'll check again later.

songzh96 commented 4 years ago


Yes, you are right, Siemens tpuart output is 5v and 20v. But I have made a tpuart myself. it is output is 3.3v also can use calimero library and use ETS program.

I think this has nothing to do with the voltage of the module because when I use the knxd library with Siemens tpuart, it works fine. (It may be that my wire is wrong when I use calimero library.)

beireken commented 4 years ago

Ow, ok. Sorry for the mistake then :)

bmalinowsky commented 4 years ago

@songzh96 regarding downloading: I tested with the latest version of calimero-core, which shows an increase in download speed compared to the version when we had the discussion. So some downloads which seemed to "stuck" in ets, are now some seconds faster for me.

songzh96 commented 4 years ago

Hi @bmalinowsky

When I was preparing to test, I encountered a problem.

I used script to install and run on my Raspberry Pi 4b, but this script did not add knx.service to me. How do I add it manually or how to run calimero-server.

By the way, if I have ever installed calimero, how do I upgrade, using the git command?

Best Regards Songzh

bmalinowsky commented 4 years ago


I believe all the changes from got merged into the main script here. And you can simply rerun the script, it will automatically fetch the latest changes.

But note that before you run the script, inside the script you have to adjust your knx setup if necessary, and also switch to master branch (by default the script uses v2.4, not v2.5):

export GIT_BRANCH="release/2.4" -> export GIT_BRANCH="master" export GIT_BRANCH_TOOLS="release/2.4" -> export GIT_BRANCH_TOOLS="master"

You can also make a clean install by first running clean

songzh96 commented 4 years ago


I believe all the changes from got merged into the main script here. And you can simply rerun the script, it will automatically fetch the latest changes.

But note that before you run the script, inside the script you have to adjust your knx setup if necessary, and also switch to master branch (by default the script uses v2.4, not v2.5):

export GIT_BRANCH="release/2.4" -> export GIT_BRANCH="master" export GIT_BRANCH_TOOLS="release/2.4" -> export GIT_BRANCH_TOOLS="master"

You can also make a clean install by first running clean

Thank you

But I just used this script today with some errors,Could not find the download link for JDK8

Hardware: Raspberry Pi 4B OS: Raspbian Buster

Can you fix it?

Best Regards Songzh

bmalinowsky commented 4 years ago

The default jdk for raspberry buster is OpenJDK 11, not jdk 8. I think there is something wrong in the script you use.

songzh96 commented 4 years ago

probably is. But today I used "git clone" Then run, the script will report an error (JDK version problem).

I'll try again tomorrow. If there are any questions, I will post them here on time. Thank you for your answer.

Best Regards Songzh

songzh96 commented 4 years ago

Hi @bmalinowsky

Today I tested calimero on my Raspberry Pi and it didn't work very well. I used the calimero installed by

Hardware: Pi 4B & tpuart module(Siemens) interface: /dev/ttyAMA0 or /dev/ttyS0(the interface will show high temperature warning) software:


Dec 23 12:03:39 raspberrypi java[1435]: [knx-server subnet dispatcher] WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 0/0/0: no ACK for L-Data.con
Dec 23 12:03:41 raspberrypi java[1435]: [knx-server subnet dispatcher] WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 0/0/0: no ACK for L-Data.con
Dec 23 12:03:44 raspberrypi java[1435]: [knx-server subnet dispatcher] WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 0/0/0: no ACK for L-Data.con
Dec 23 12:03:47 raspberrypi java[1435]: [knx-server subnet dispatcher] WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 0/0/0: no ACK for L-Data.con
Dec 23 12:03:50 raspberrypi java[1435]: [knx-server subnet dispatcher] WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 0/0/0: no ACK for L-Data.con
Dec 23 12:03:53 raspberrypi java[1435]: [knx-server subnet dispatcher] WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 0/0/0: no ACK for L-Data.con
Dec 23 12:03:56 raspberrypi java[1435]: [knx-server subnet dispatcher] WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 0/0/0: no ACK for L-Data.con
Dec 23 12:03:59 raspberrypi java[1435]: [knx-server subnet dispatcher] WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 0/0/0: no ACK for L-Data.con
Dec 23 12:04:02 raspberrypi java[1435]: [knx-server subnet dispatcher] WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 0/0/0: no ACK for L-Data.con
Dec 23 12:04:05 raspberrypi java[1435]: [knx-server subnet dispatcher] WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 0/0/0: no ACK for L-Data.con
Dec 23 12:04:08 raspberrypi java[1435]: [knx-server subnet dispatcher] WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 0/0/0: no ACK for L-Data.con
Dec 23 12:04:11 raspberrypi java[1435]: [knx-server subnet dispatcher] WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 0/0/0: no ACK for L-Data.con
Dec 23 12:04:14 raspberrypi java[1435]: [knx-server subnet dispatcher] WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 0/0/0: no ACK for L-Data.con
Dec 23 12:04:31 raspberrypi java[1435]: [knx-server subnet dispatcher] WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 1.1.40: no ACK for L-Data.con
Dec 23 12:04:31 raspberrypi java[1435]: [knx-server subnet dispatcher] WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 1.1.40: no ACK for L-Data.con
Dec 23 12:04:42 raspberrypi java[1435]: [/dev/ttyAMA0 data endpoint /] INFO calimero.server.knx-server - /dev/ttyAMA0 data endpoint / closed
Dec 23 12:04:43 raspberrypi java[1435]: [knx-server subnet dispatcher] WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 1.1.40: no ACK for L-Data.con
Dec 23 12:04:45 raspberrypi java[1435]: [knx-server control endpoint /dev/ttyAMA0] WARN calimero.server.knx-server - received disconnect request with unknown channel id 9 - ignored
Dec 23 12:04:47 raspberrypi java[1435]: [knx-server control endpoint /dev/ttyAMA0] INFO calimero.server.knx-server - /dev/ttyAMA0: setup data endpoint (channel 10) for connection request from / (udp)
Dec 23 12:04:47 raspberrypi java[1435]: [knx-server control endpoint /dev/ttyAMA0] INFO calimero.server.knx-server - assign additional individual address 1.1.129 to channel 10
Dec 23 12:04:47 raspberrypi java[1435]: [/dev/ttyAMA0 data endpoint /] INFO calimero.server.knx-server - /dev/ttyAMA0 data endpoint / is up and running
Dec 23 12:04:47 raspberrypi java[1435]: [knx-server subnet dispatcher] WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 1.1.40: no ACK for L-Data.con

Best Regards Songzh

bmalinowsky commented 4 years ago

Thank you. That's unfortunate, so the changes made it worse on your device. Can you again enable trace mode for logging, like I wrote in my reply here: , and show the log file.

songzh96 commented 4 years ago

Hi @bmalinowsky , there is logs when I choose Partial download

Dec 24 02:52:19 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:19:959 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - server-side KNX IP Tunneling (channel 3, 1.1.129): 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.req, system priority hop count 6 repeat, tpdu 81
Dec 24 02:52:19 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:19:959 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - 1.1.129->1.1.40: T_Disconnect
Dec 24 02:52:19 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:19:960 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - send positive cEMI L_Data.con
Dec 24 02:52:19 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:19:960 DEBUG calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - dispatch 1.1.129->1.1.40 using KNXnet/IP routing service
Dec 24 02:52:19 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:19:961 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNX IP Tunneling - sending cEMI frame seq 5, WaitForAck, attempt 1 (channel 3) 06 10 04 20 00 14 04 03 05 00 2e 00 b0 60 11 81 11 28 00 81
Dec 24 02:52:19 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:19:961 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service - add to multicast loopback frame buffer: 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.ind, system priority hop count 6, tpdu 81
Dec 24 02:52:19 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:19:962 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service - sending cEMI frame seq 0, NonBlocking, attempt 1 (channel 0) 06 10 05 30 00 10 29 00 b0 60 11 81 11 28 00 81
Dec 24 02:52:19 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:19:963 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service - discard multicast loopback cEMI frame: 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.ind, system priority hop count 6, tpdu 81
Dec 24 02:52:19 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:19:963 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNX IP Tunneling - received service ack 5 from / (channel 3)
Dec 24 02:52:19 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:19:964 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - dispatch to KNX subnet 1.1.0 (tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 in service container '/dev/ttyAMA0')
Dec 24 02:52:19 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:19:965 DEBUG - send (wait for confirmation) 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.req, system priority hop count 5 repeat, tpdu 81
Dec 24 02:52:19 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:19:966 TRACE - cEMI 11 00 b0 50 11 81 11 28 00 81
Dec 24 02:52:19 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:19:966 TRACE calimero.serial.tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 - create UART services 80 b0 81 11 82 81 83 11 84 28 85 50 86 81 47 37
Dec 24 02:52:19 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:19:967 TRACE calimero.serial.tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 - UART ready for sending after 4 us
Dec 24 02:52:19 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:19:967 DEBUG calimero.serial.tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 - write UART services, waiting for .con
Dec 24 02:52:20 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:20:054 WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 1.1.40: no ACK for L-Data.con
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:477 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - server-side KNX IP Tunneling (channel 3, 1.1.129): 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.req, system priority hop count 6 repeat, tpdu 80
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:478 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - 1.1.129->1.1.40: T_Connect
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:478 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - send positive cEMI L_Data.con
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:479 DEBUG calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - dispatch 1.1.129->1.1.40 using KNXnet/IP routing service
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:479 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNX IP Tunneling - sending cEMI frame seq 6, WaitForAck, attempt 1 (channel 3) 06 10 04 20 00 14 04 03 06 00 2e 00 b0 60 11 81 11 28 00 80
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:479 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service - add to multicast loopback frame buffer: 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.ind, system priority hop count 6, tpdu 80
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:480 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service - sending cEMI frame seq 0, NonBlocking, attempt 1 (channel 0) 06 10 05 30 00 10 29 00 b0 60 11 81 11 28 00 80
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:481 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service - discard multicast loopback cEMI frame: 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.ind, system priority hop count 6, tpdu 80
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:482 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNX IP Tunneling - received service ack 6 from / (channel 3)
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:483 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - dispatch to KNX subnet 1.1.0 (tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 in service container '/dev/ttyAMA0')
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:484 DEBUG - send (wait for confirmation) 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.req, system priority hop count 5 repeat, tpdu 80
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:484 TRACE - cEMI 11 00 b0 50 11 81 11 28 00 80
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:485 TRACE calimero.serial.tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 - create UART services 80 b0 81 11 82 81 83 11 84 28 85 50 86 80 47 36
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:486 TRACE calimero.serial.tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 - UART ready for sending after 5 us
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:486 DEBUG calimero.serial.tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 - write UART services, waiting for .con
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:564 WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 1.1.40: no ACK for L-Data.con
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:565 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - server-side KNX IP Tunneling (channel 3, 1.1.129): 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.req, system priority hop count 6 repeat, tpdu 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:566 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - 1.1.129->1.1.40: T_Connected seq 0,
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:566 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - send positive cEMI L_Data.con
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:567 DEBUG calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - dispatch 1.1.129->1.1.40 using KNXnet/IP routing service
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:567 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNX IP Tunneling - sending cEMI frame seq 7, WaitForAck, attempt 1 (channel 3) 06 10 04 20 00 15 04 03 07 00 2e 00 b0 60 11 81 11 28 01 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:567 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service - add to multicast loopback frame buffer: 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.ind, system priority hop count 6, tpdu 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:568 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service - sending cEMI frame seq 0, NonBlocking, attempt 1 (channel 0) 06 10 05 30 00 11 29 00 b0 60 11 81 11 28 01 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:569 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service - discard multicast loopback cEMI frame: 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.ind, system priority hop count 6, tpdu 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:570 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - dispatch to KNX subnet 1.1.0 (tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 in service container '/dev/ttyAMA0')
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:570 DEBUG - send (wait for confirmation) 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.req, system priority hop count 5 repeat, tpdu 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:571 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNX IP Tunneling - received service ack 7 from / (channel 3)
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:571 TRACE - cEMI 11 00 b0 50 11 81 11 28 01 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:572 TRACE calimero.serial.tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 - create UART services 80 b0 81 11 82 81 83 11 84 28 85 51 86 43 87 00 48 f4
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:573 TRACE calimero.serial.tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 - UART ready for sending after 4 us
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:573 DEBUG calimero.serial.tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 - write UART services, waiting for .con
Dec 24 02:52:21 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:21:644 WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 1.1.40: no ACK for L-Data.con
Dec 24 02:52:24 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:24:580 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - server-side KNX IP Tunneling (channel 3, 1.1.129): 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.req, system priority hop count 6 repeat, tpdu 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:24 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:24:580 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - 1.1.129->1.1.40: T_Connected seq 0,
Dec 24 02:52:24 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:24:581 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - send positive cEMI L_Data.con
Dec 24 02:52:24 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:24:581 DEBUG calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - dispatch 1.1.129->1.1.40 using KNXnet/IP routing service
Dec 24 02:52:24 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:24:582 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNX IP Tunneling - sending cEMI frame seq 8, WaitForAck, attempt 1 (channel 3) 06 10 04 20 00 15 04 03 08 00 2e 00 b0 60 11 81 11 28 01 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:24 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:24:582 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service - add to multicast loopback frame buffer: 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.ind, system priority hop count 6, tpdu 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:24 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:24:583 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service - sending cEMI frame seq 0, NonBlocking, attempt 1 (channel 0) 06 10 05 30 00 11 29 00 b0 60 11 81 11 28 01 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:24 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:24:584 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service - discard multicast loopback cEMI frame: 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.ind, system priority hop count 6, tpdu 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:24 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:24:586 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNX IP Tunneling - received service ack 8 from / (channel 3)
Dec 24 02:52:24 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:24:590 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - dispatch to KNX subnet 1.1.0 (tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 in service container '/dev/ttyAMA0')
Dec 24 02:52:24 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:24:591 DEBUG - send (wait for confirmation) 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.req, system priority hop count 5 repeat, tpdu 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:24 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:24:591 TRACE - cEMI 11 00 b0 50 11 81 11 28 01 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:24 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:24:592 TRACE calimero.serial.tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 - create UART services 80 b0 81 11 82 81 83 11 84 28 85 51 86 43 87 00 48 f4
Dec 24 02:52:24 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:24:593 TRACE calimero.serial.tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 - UART ready for sending after 5 us
Dec 24 02:52:24 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:24:593 DEBUG calimero.serial.tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 - write UART services, waiting for .con
Dec 24 02:52:24 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:24:674 WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 1.1.40: no ACK for L-Data.con
Dec 24 02:52:27 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:27:593 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - server-side KNX IP Tunneling (channel 3, 1.1.129): 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.req, system priority hop count 6 repeat, tpdu 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:27 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:27:593 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - 1.1.129->1.1.40: T_Connected seq 0,
Dec 24 02:52:27 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:27:594 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - send positive cEMI L_Data.con
Dec 24 02:52:27 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:27:594 DEBUG calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - dispatch 1.1.129->1.1.40 using KNXnet/IP routing service
Dec 24 02:52:27 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:27:595 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNX IP Tunneling - sending cEMI frame seq 9, WaitForAck, attempt 1 (channel 3) 06 10 04 20 00 15 04 03 09 00 2e 00 b0 60 11 81 11 28 01 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:27 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:27:595 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service - add to multicast loopback frame buffer: 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.ind, system priority hop count 6, tpdu 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:27 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:27:596 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service - sending cEMI frame seq 0, NonBlocking, attempt 1 (channel 0) 06 10 05 30 00 11 29 00 b0 60 11 81 11 28 01 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:27 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:27:596 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service - discard multicast loopback cEMI frame: 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.ind, system priority hop count 6, tpdu 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:27 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:27:597 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNX IP Tunneling - received service ack 9 from / (channel 3)
Dec 24 02:52:27 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:27:598 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - dispatch to KNX subnet 1.1.0 (tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 in service container '/dev/ttyAMA0')
Dec 24 02:52:27 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:27:599 DEBUG - send (wait for confirmation) 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.req, system priority hop count 5 repeat, tpdu 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:27 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:27:599 TRACE - cEMI 11 00 b0 50 11 81 11 28 01 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:27 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:27:600 TRACE calimero.serial.tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 - create UART services 80 b0 81 11 82 81 83 11 84 28 85 51 86 43 87 00 48 f4
Dec 24 02:52:27 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:27:601 TRACE calimero.serial.tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 - UART ready for sending after 5 us
Dec 24 02:52:27 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:27:601 DEBUG calimero.serial.tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 - write UART services, waiting for .con
Dec 24 02:52:27 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:27:675 WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 1.1.40: no ACK for L-Data.con
Dec 24 02:52:30 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:30:605 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - server-side KNX IP Tunneling (channel 3, 1.1.129): 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.req, system priority hop count 6 repeat, tpdu 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:30 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:30:606 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - 1.1.129->1.1.40: T_Connected seq 0,
Dec 24 02:52:30 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:30:606 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - send positive cEMI L_Data.con
Dec 24 02:52:30 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:30:606 DEBUG calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - dispatch 1.1.129->1.1.40 using KNXnet/IP routing service
Dec 24 02:52:30 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:30:607 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNX IP Tunneling - sending cEMI frame seq 10, WaitForAck, attempt 1 (channel 3) 06 10 04 20 00 15 04 03 0a 00 2e 00 b0 60 11 81 11 28 01 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:30 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:30:607 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service - add to multicast loopback frame buffer: 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.ind, system priority hop count 6, tpdu 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:30 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:30:608 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service - sending cEMI frame seq 0, NonBlocking, attempt 1 (channel 0) 06 10 05 30 00 11 29 00 b0 60 11 81 11 28 01 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:30 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:30:609 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service - discard multicast loopback cEMI frame: 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.ind, system priority hop count 6, tpdu 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:30 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:30:610 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - dispatch to KNX subnet 1.1.0 (tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 in service container '/dev/ttyAMA0')
Dec 24 02:52:30 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:30:610 DEBUG - send (wait for confirmation) 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.req, system priority hop count 5 repeat, tpdu 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:30 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:30:611 TRACE - cEMI 11 00 b0 50 11 81 11 28 01 43 00
Dec 24 02:52:30 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:30:611 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNX IP Tunneling - received service ack 10 from / (channel 3)
Dec 24 02:52:30 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:30:613 TRACE calimero.serial.tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 - create UART services 80 b0 81 11 82 81 83 11 84 28 85 51 86 43 87 00 48 f4
Dec 24 02:52:30 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:30:613 TRACE calimero.serial.tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 - UART ready for sending after 5 us
Dec 24 02:52:30 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:30:614 DEBUG calimero.serial.tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 - write UART services, waiting for .con
Dec 24 02:52:30 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:30:684 WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 1.1.40: no ACK for L-Data.con
Dec 24 02:52:33 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:33:618 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - server-side KNX IP Tunneling (channel 3, 1.1.129): 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.req, system priority hop count 6 repeat, tpdu 81
Dec 24 02:52:33 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:33:619 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - 1.1.129->1.1.40: T_Disconnect
Dec 24 02:52:33 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:33:619 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - send positive cEMI L_Data.con
Dec 24 02:52:33 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:33:620 DEBUG calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - dispatch 1.1.129->1.1.40 using KNXnet/IP routing service
Dec 24 02:52:33 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:33:620 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNX IP Tunneling - sending cEMI frame seq 11, WaitForAck, attempt 1 (channel 3) 06 10 04 20 00 14 04 03 0b 00 2e 00 b0 60 11 81 11 28 00 81
Dec 24 02:52:33 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:33:620 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service - add to multicast loopback frame buffer: 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.ind, system priority hop count 6, tpdu 81
Dec 24 02:52:33 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:33:621 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service - sending cEMI frame seq 0, NonBlocking, attempt 1 (channel 0) 06 10 05 30 00 10 29 00 b0 60 11 81 11 28 00 81
Dec 24 02:52:33 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:33:622 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNXnet/IP routing service - discard multicast loopback cEMI frame: 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.ind, system priority hop count 6, tpdu 81
Dec 24 02:52:33 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:33:623 TRACE calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - dispatch to KNX subnet 1.1.0 (tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 in service container '/dev/ttyAMA0')
Dec 24 02:52:33 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:33:624 DEBUG - send (wait for confirmation) 1.1.129->1.1.40 L_Data.req, system priority hop count 5 repeat, tpdu 81
Dec 24 02:52:33 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:33:624 TRACE - cEMI 11 00 b0 50 11 81 11 28 00 81
Dec 24 02:52:33 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:33:625 TRACE calimero.serial.tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 - create UART services 80 b0 81 11 82 81 83 11 84 28 85 50 86 81 47 37
Dec 24 02:52:33 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:33:625 TRACE calimero.server.knxnetip.KNX IP Tunneling - received service ack 11 from / (channel 3)
Dec 24 02:52:33 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:33:625 TRACE calimero.serial.tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 - UART ready for sending after 5 us
Dec 24 02:52:33 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:33:626 DEBUG calimero.serial.tpuart:/dev/ttyAMA0 - write UART services, waiting for .con
Dec 24 02:52:33 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:33:638 DEBUG calimero.server.knxnetip.KNX IP Tunneling - close connection for channel 3 - client request
Dec 24 02:52:33 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:33:639 DEBUG calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - removed connection KNX IP Tunneling (client request)
Dec 24 02:52:33 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:33:639 INFO calimero.server.knx-server - /dev/ttyAMA0 data endpoint / closed
Dec 24 02:52:33 raspberrypi java[3518]: 02:52:33:704 WARN calimero.server.gateway.knx-server - timeout sending to 1.1.40: no ACK for L-Data.con